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I came back to my dorm with a scrunched up face. All my room mates suddenly flipped their heads to see me, looking so stressed and confused. They were playing UNO and it looked like Garnet was winning.

"Sup dot?" Steven waved.

I tried to muster a smile and gave out a shrug. My steps quickened towards my room.

"A-ah-ah! No you're not going anywhere." Pearl stood and quickly blocked my way. Causing me to dig my heels on the ground so I wont collide with her.

"Either you go to your room and feel depressed or come sit with us and tell us what's up." She chirped with authority.

I subtly rolled my eyes. God I just want to sleep. Please let me think this out on my own.

I tried going past her but she once again blocked my path. Mirroring my sidesteps. I let out a scowl and tried to shove her out but Steven had stopped my arm before it even touched Pearl.

"That's rude." He pouted and shook his head.

"Uurghh. Why is everyone getting on my nerves?! I just want to sleep and think everything through out my own!" I yelled and flew my hands in the air. I was heavily frustrated.

Spell "Peridot". F-R-U-S-T-R-A-T-E-D.

"We know you're going through a lot. That's why were here to hear ya out." Amethyst spoke.

I really, really, really, wanted to stab someone repeatedly out of anger and confused emotions about how my life is turning. But hey look, my dorm mates care. Maybe life isn't that bad at all?

After some time looking blankly at them as they gave out a warm welcoming smile. I gave in and sighed exaggeratedly.

"My problems are very dumb." I started. They led me to the dining table which where they were playing earlier. Steven grabbed the cards and neatly placed them back in the box. We all took a seat and I continued.

"It's just, well, there are a LOT of things that's happening and I don't know where to start."

"Let's hear it after your date?" Garnet suggested, sipping iced coffee as usual. Steven and Amethyst "ooo-ed" and Pearl looked very intrigued.

"Well," fuck I can't just say that we made out. "It rained, and I stayed over her place for the night."

"Yeah, we noticed." Amethyst grinned. Her lips making a pop sound as she stared at my neck. Pearl covered her mischievous smile as Steven looked intently at the fading mark.

Oh great. I forgot to put concealer on it. I felt myself heat up as the stares started to feel too much.

"I-It's a mosquito bite!" I quickly held the collar of my shirt up to my neck to cover the almost-gone hickey.

"Well, she's a big assed mosquito." Garnet said calmly, then took another sip on her cup.

Amethyst started bursting out laughing as Steven looked like he's processing something and Pearl blushing subtly while smiling at me.

"Wait, she?" Steven asked.

"Hell yeah! Peri's a lesboooooo!" Amethyst cackled.

Yeah, I surprised myself too. I never knew I'd be a lesbian. Sarcasm.

"So how was it? Give us details c'mon!" Amethyst asked. Making me feel very nervous and awkward."Was she good at bed?" She continued. Pearl blushed deeply. Steven was just downright confused.

"I-I ain't telling you anything!" I muttered out in panic.

"Hmm fiiine. You're no fun." The white haired girl huffed then leaned in on her chair.

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