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"Uuuuuuuuuuuuggggghhhhhhhhh" I groaned lazily as I plump myself face first on the bed.

It was five in the afternoon and I am pooped out from all the solving and reasoning we did on our subjects. I didn't have a defined course yet, since my first year is still not finished. The school will decide what's best suited for me and put me there, so I had no reason to stress over my future. But I could be in Lapis' course since it involves bending of materials and such, but she was defined a "bender: nature" since she conducts water, and water is everywhere. For all I know, I could be an engineer and they would use my power for building purposes.

Like: "oh, the crane isn't working? Ms. Olivine will take care of this."

*I appear on the background wearing a hardhat then placing my hand up towards the big metallic object that needs lifting and -without effort- smoothly floating it up in the air and place it on top of the half finished structure*

"Thanks! You're a life saver!"

*end imagination*

I sighed. "Pumpkin!" I yelled out of habit.

Oh shit, I'm not at home and Pumpkin's not here.

For a moment, I thought I was crazy because I heard her bark. No it can't be, Pumpkin is with my aunt. Then another bark came, this time, it was louder.

My door bursts open and there I saw a heavy breathing Steven with my dog, Pumpkin, in his arms.

"PUMPKIN!!" I yelled out of pure joy as the dog squirmed its way away from Steven's embrace and into my arms.

"Oooohhh, who's a good giiirl?" I cooed.

"That dog is yours?!" He panted heavily. It looked like he ran all the way here with Pumpkin.

Hey wait a minute, shouldn't Pumpkin be with my aunt?"

"Um yeah, how did she get here?"

"Well," Steven took a deep breath in. "We found her two days ago, sleeping under the tree near the lake after we found you and you where sent in the infirmary and she looked starving so we fed her food and she got so wild in our dorm, she kept barking and crying at your door and we couldn't sleep so we bought a cage and placed her on the kitchen and she went quiet-"

"Hold on!" I rubbed Pumpkin's body gently as she licked my face. "You found her alone?"

"Well yeah" Steven finished.

I looked at the dog that tilted her head at me. It was like, she was asking where have I been and that she has been nonstop looking for me. For some reason, my heart clenched. This dog was too pure and I love her so much.

But sadly, from all the things I was dealing with, I knew I had to give Pumpkin back to my aunt.

Did she ran away? I rubbed her head and gave her pats.

"You do know we can't keep dogs here even if we want to right?" He sighed in disappointment.

"Yeah.." I muttered. "I'll give her back tomorrow."

"You can special delivery her by Kiki." He suggested.

I looked at him with questioning eyes.

"Oh you probably don't know her- well she's a pizza delivery girl. She can take requests on what to deliver though."

My eyes panned down back towards Pumpkin as the dog reminisced our moments together. Or at least, that's what I think she's doing.

"Uh, yeah, can you send her off?" I gently held her out for Steven to carry. In that short moment, I could already feel how bad it was to be betrayed. Pumpkin stared at me, as if she was betrayed heavily by me.

How could you give me off like that?! If you loved me, then you would've personally sent me away than giving me back to this guy and never be seen again by you!

I heard Pumpkin.

Somehow, I thought about what if it was Lapis who I have given off and what her face would make.

I mean, I already betrayed her by almost fucking Amethyst. Isn't that basically cheating?

Steven looked at me for a moment as he took the dog. "You're giving her off now?"

"I have to do something." I said before storming away from the room, past Steven and out running towards the familiar tracks that led to Lapis' dorm.

It was raining hard. The sky seemed to resonate with my emotions. I was getting soaked by the heavy rain drops that pattered down my head and down my body. I stretched myself further. Running faster until I finally reached her door.

My heavy breathing and fast heartbeat rung through my ears. My hand trembled as I formed it into a fist then knocked on the door.

It slowly went ajar, hoping I'd see Lapis to open the door and see me. But instead I saw someone who I hated the most.


"YOU." She whispered through gritted teeth.

I didn't give a flying fuck. I pushed her out of the way as she -surprisingly- fell to the ground by my force.

"Ugh, fuck! Don't s-stop.." I heard quiet whimpers coming from Lapis' room.

Without wasting a moment, I opened the door.



Fucking hell.

My hands formed into a fist. My eyes watered from the anger and mixed emotions.

There, I saw Lapis. Riding Kevin. They didn't even stop when I literally bursted in through the door.

Kevin had his hands back on his head as he enjoyed Lapis' movements that went up and down on his dick.

I didn't know what to feel. I stood there immobile. My, girlfriend. Enjoying someone else.

Like what you did with Amethyst. Karma happens so fast doesn't it?

But I did that for a good reason!

No, you did that mindlessly. Now suffer.


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