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*Sigh*, contains making out and touching.
After those sappy moments with Lapis and her family, I guess I can proudly say that I'm an approved lover. Yep, you know I could just end the story here right now. But there is yet one more problem that we'll be encountering. Jasper. I will surely defeat her. But I know it won't be as easy as a cheesecake. I shouldn't be cocky either, for all I know she could rig my controller and have all the victory for herself.

We only have two months left till we battle. Meaning I still had a lot of time. I have to be with Lapis as much as possible, just in case if I lose. Which I probably won't, but if I'll ever lose, I will break the deal, carry Lapis and just fly away. Away from the troubles and be happy with her till my ass gets dry.

Once we finished the dinner, we all said our goodbyes. Mr. Lazuli almost shed a tear when he hugged me and he kept saying that he could feel I am the one for Lapis. Mrs. Lazuli does an eye roll at her husband for being the most emotional one. The father let go and now was the mother's turn to give me a tight embrace. She said something about Lapis hating raisins in which I seriously took in.
Lapis Lazuli hates raisins. Got it.
"She loves cinnamon though." The mother continued.

My girlfriend was ahead on the car, she got the heater on while I took care of her parents. We were all at the porch chattering then she honked at us. "You guys done yet?" She said after her face appeared on the rolled down window.

"I'll be there in a sec!" I yelled back then faced her parents one more. "Thank you so much for tonight and everything." I beamed.

"You're such a sweet girl." Mrs. Lazuli smiled.

I gave her a nod as well as her husband. Did a small wave before walking towards the car. Snow had fallen once again. But the warm feeling of acceptance was enough for me to not shiver.

"Bye mom, dad!" Lazuli yelled and waved ecstatically before rolling the window back up and me getting in on shotgun. The parents stood side by side, smiling. After that, we were back on our way to Gem University.

Big roads, endless streetlights, white snow falling from the sky.

"Feels amazing doesn't it?" Lapis initiated.

"Hell yeah." I sighed. Slumping in, relaxing on the leather seat.

I looked at her. She had a broad smile and she looked so peaceful. Her eyes panned towards me then back on the road. "Why do I have a feeling that you want to make out here in the car?" She giggled.

Wait did she read me? Oh God was I obvious? "Well, isn't that what all horny teenagers do when they get a chance to be alone?" Responded to her.

"Oh God we're gonna sin again." She laughed.

I laughed along with her before speaking. "It's a must do."

"It's also what causes people to die in horror movies. Sex in cars."

"Our book ain't horror alright?" I chuckled. "It's an erotica hidden in a genre called fanfiction."

"Jesus Christ, alright." She swerved left beside a streetlight, parked, then put our lights on hazard. A mischievous smile growing in her lips.

"Were gonna get in trouble." She leaned in close then touched my thigh.

"And you love trouble." I smirked. My hand sliding up to her soft cheeks, placing the strands of her hair behind her ear. Then we kissed.

The engine ran while our moans and slurpy sounds filled the silence. Her hand that was on my thigh went in between my legs then up to my spot. "Nyahh.." I purred.

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