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It was awfully quiet. My head felt like I was at space. I wasn't hearing the normal morning chatters of my dorm mates.

Maybe something's wrong?

Duh, of course there is.

Though I kept hearing footsteps. Like someone was pacing up and down the hall. Then suddenly, I heard the first ever word the morning I woke up.

"I don't know what to say.. Pearl you talk to her!" It sounds like Amethyst.

"W-well, you were the one she was with yesterday! I can't just talk about stuff like these." Pearl's voice sounded uneasy.

I heard someone sigh."I'll do it." Steven groaned.

What the hell are they talking about? Does it have something to do with me? What if it's for Garnet, I haven't heard her in a while.

"It's best if we all tell her. I don't want this to look like we kept it secret." I just heard Garnet's calm voice.

Okay this is DEFINITELY about me.

I sat up and slowly placed my foot down the carpeted ground. Standing up ,then walked out of the room.

They all stopped in mid-motion, all of them looked nervous.

"Good morning P-Peridot." Pearl gulped.

"Good morning. What's the fuss?" I tried to act casual. Like, yeah I didn't just eavesdrop on you guys pfft.

Steven held in a breath, like he was about to say something but something was stopping him.

"Is it something about me.. Do you guys hate me?" I chuckled briefly, anxiously.

"Nooo, no. It's not that-" Pearl waved her hands furiously.

"Peridot, your mom." Garnet deadpanned.

I felt my heart drop to my stomach.

"What...what about her?" My eyes were already tearing up.

Garnet looked at the three who looked very uneasy. "She's, resting."

I covered my mouth which escaped a loud gasp. Tears started to flow down like a waterfall.

"I-it's okay! She's at the hospital..." Steven reassured, but his facial expression was just wasn't right.

"At the morgue?!" I screamed in fear, agony, sadness.

They all went silent. The only thing I was hearing were my cries. I felt hands and arms started to cover me. It felt like I was being hugged.

"We are so sorry."

How I wish I could just say "it's fine".

I remembered the moments where she said that she loved me. I cried harder at the fact that I didn't get to say it back. Just because I'm a teenage fuck who doesn't want to be affected by emotions.

I didn't want to know how she died. Mainly because I might just can't take it in. I just wanted to cry and cry and cry until I went blind.

"The school's taken care of her funeral."

The school?

"The fuck does the school have to do with this?" I sort of yelled.

"W-well, a student got involved with it." Steven replied. He sounded scared.

A fucking student? What the hell did that student do to my mom? What did that person do to say that he or she was involved?

I was crushing my head with my palms. I can't take it! I screamed on top of my lungs.

I felt so angry at everything. I wanted to lash my anger out at that certain student. I wanted to kill whoever did it. But I just can't. I felt barely even strong to do what I thought- which I will never do but- you know what you think when you're mad. You just get so clouded and everything you think becomes poisoned with darkness.

"He was apprehended, don't worry." Pearl gently patted my back.

"Who is that he?" I felt my teeth grit from all the anger.


I didn't know who the fuck that kid was but I despise him and will NEVER forgive him.

Just then, I felt my head getting light. My vision became hazy. And I was slowly starting to feel fucked.

Standing up, I stormed towards my room then slammed the door. Crashing down on my bed and cried my face off.

Ocean Eyes (Lapidot fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now