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Bad words alert. Just a heads up.

Oh my fucking stars.

I held the collar of my shirt far away from my body to see the reddish bruise that was visible on my neck. It's a fuckin' monday and I'm on my way to school with an OBVIOUS hickey! I panicked in front of my bathroom mirror.

I tried applying concealer on it, it was still obvious because of my pail skin and the concealer was a tone darker than mine. With frustration, my hands rubbed it off furiously. Fuck, I can't let anyone see this! Oh my-- LAZULI YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!

Stupid me let the concealer spread on my whole shoulder and my white shirt which caused me more fustration.

Fuckingfuckthisfuckingshitohmygodwhatwillidowiththisthingonmyneckwhatthefuck. The letters ran in my mind.

I angrily took off my shirt then took a very good look at myself. Let's see, a hickey on my neck, below my fuckin tit, on my stomach. I faced backwards then checked. Aaaand scratch marks on my back. Great.

Although the marks did remind me of that moment, I was still basically wetting myself just by thinking of it. But somehow a part of me was kinda mad about what happened to my body.

Oh c'mon Peridot, you know you love it.
Shut up. I don't.
Stop lying to yourself.

I groaned at my internal conversation. "Why Lapis whhyyyy?" I cried invisible tears and exaggeratedly slumped my shoulders in aggravation.

Slowly, my feet dragged me towards my wardrobe then wore a new cleaned shirt.

I let the gravity pull me back down to my bed once I wore an extra big shirt that looked like a dress on me and had no undergarments except for my underwear. I have to text Lapis about this. Quickly, I grabbed my phone under my pillow then sent a message. She responded quickly.

Lapis: oh hey. It's already 8? Where are you?

Peridot: can't come.

Lapis: really? But you came last saturday. ;)

FUCK. Lapis really likes to play punny games huh??

Peridot: charming. Anyways, what the hell did you do to my body??

Lapis: um, what exactly?

I lifted my shirt up and let her see the marks she left by taking a picture and sending it to her.

Lapis: woah, slow it down with the nudes. I'm at class.


Lapis: oh, is this what's it all about?

Peridot: you are so dead when these marks are finally gone and I can go to school with nothing to hide!

Lapis: um yeah, have you seen my inner thighs and butt? God you are so wild.

I blushed, burned maybe, at her comeback.

Peridot: at least it's hidden. Unlike mine it's like I'm showing it off! >:(

Lapis: meet me at the garden later. Let's talk there. I really have to catch up with mrs. Agate's lessons.

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