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GayPrincx , thank you for making my day! Here's another update :D. (Btw this story part has smut in it.)
(Lapis' P.O.V.)

The biggest thing I've been missing out, was not the hug, not the kiss, I've experienced it all before from Jasper. But the one thing she didn't do was made me feel she loved me.

The only thing I remembered was her tying me up and fucking me on the bed. My wrists were sore from the struggling as she soiled me with her toys. Her hard touch that sent me moans of fear instead of pleasure. She would put a gag up my throat and would mercilessly make me feel nothing more but a fuckbuddy. Her fetish was too much for me to handle. And that was the closest to love that I can ever get from her.

Peridot was way more different. It was almost terrifying. I don't see the hunger in her eyes, her touch that felt like I could heal sooner, but most importantly, her care that was foreign for me. She's making me feel like I'm something in her life, in a good way.

I felt bad about lying to her. But it's the only thing I can do to calm the mess that's starting. I just hope that she can forgive me.

"Lapis... are you part of the vortex club?" Peridot whispered as her hug got tighter.

I can't help but let myself tense. Why is she asking this? Does she already know? Fuck is she going to leave me?! I gulped.


"Just answer please." She moved her head away to look at me clearly. Her eyes darting in deep to mine.

Should I tell her? God I'm too scared to lose her. But fuck it, I don't want to lie anymore. "Yes."

"See? It wasn't so bad." She smiled then gave me a quick nod.

I got confused. So she doesn't know?

"Why do you ask?" I held in my breath. Getting ready for what's about to drop next. My whole body was so tense.

She shrugged. But her eyes tell me that she wanted to know more, they were screaming for answers.

I let out a sigh of relief. She knows that I know what's up, but I just can't tell. She's a smart one, but I just have to outsmart her. It had been then that I also realized, that were cuddling in a cramped place filled with brooms and buckets.

Peridot rested her head on my chest once again and we stayed on that position for a long time. We didn't talk, but we sort of swayed slowly while we hugged. Out of nowhere, Peridot suddenly gently pushed my back on the wall. "Lapis, no matter what happens. I will never, ever leave you." She said as she slowly went in to kiss me. Her left hand shakily caressed my arm down to my hand as we intertwined it together. Her other hand pulled me in to deepen the kiss. Her dominance was hot. But I can't back down like that, I want to be the boss too.

I quickly switched sides with her, spinning her until our positions were vice versa. My arms trapped her as she looked at me lovingly with a daze. I went in and kissed her passionately, my knee going up in between her legs until I reached her-

"Ahh fuck." She moaned in response. Peridot straddled my leg and started to grind. I felt myself starting to get turned on. I kissed her again and slowly went down, leaving kisses up to her collar bone then took a huge leap up to her stomach. I slid down my lips above her still wet shorts. I quickly unbuttoned it then slid down her panty. I ate her.

"Oh shit." She moaned in pleasure as she held my hair. Tugging my head closer to her sweet spot.

I sucked and licked as she continued to shake faintly beneath my touch. I looked at her, her head was swung back and her torso arched. She let out a loud moan as I quickly covered her mouth. Peridot held my hand that covered her lips and I felt her shaky hands hold it's place there.

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