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(Peridot's P.O.V.)

As always, you could see me lying down on my bed. Worrying too much and being a complete outcast.

Lars and Sadie probably left by now.

Ugghh, why do I keep worrying?

"Peridot! You have a visitor!" Pearl's muffled voice echoed through and in my room. A visitor? Late at night?

Just as I was about to stand and leave my room, the door opened, making me see that my visitor was Lapis. She didn't bother to say anything. She just went in, closed the door, took a deep breath then jumped on the bed and landing face first on my thick sheets.

"Um, good evening." I said. My legs curled towards my chest as Lapis' body took over half of my bed.

She let out a grunt.

"How's um, how's the meeting?"

The bluenette slowly lifted her face up to look at me, she looked mad and confused. "I almost got poisoned by my bestfriend." That's all she said, after that, she slammed her face back down at the sheets. Can she even breathe in there?

"What... That's crazy. Don't tell me that best friend of yours is Aquamarine." Does she even have other best friends besides Aquamarine?

"Okay I won't." She replied with a muffled voice. "Fuck, this night is terrible." Lapis rolled over and now she was lying on her back. Her ocean eyes staring at the ceiling while thoughts carried her away.

Honestly, I just want to cuddle with her in silence.

Lazuli closed her eyes and sighed. That's my queue. I squeezed myself towards her then wrapped an arm around her stomach. Her well toned stomach.

"How do you keep in shape?" I whispered.

"Milk." She muttered.

W h a t

"Ah, I'm sorry, what were you saying?" She leaned her head towards mine.


I'll just pretend that I didn't hear her mutter milk. She sounded cute though.

"I gave Kevin and Jasper a beating." She said in a tone that seemed to say like she's done it again and she's victorious.

"Shit. So you did see them." I tightened my grip around her waist.

"It's alright. They're no match for me." She lifted her arm out of my embrace and she placed it on my back. Patting me gently. "I'm thinking about leaving the club."

I wasn't sure why she wanted to. I mean, I have no problem with that. If she wants to leave then, I'll let her be. If that makes her happy, why would I stop her? "If you want to. But why though?"

She sighed. "I don't want to keep seeing  them. And the vortex club is honestly losing it's purpose."

"What is the vortex club's real purpose anywyays?"

"Well, It's like were a fraternity, but we don't do hazing or all that gruesome stuff. You just gotta have good grades and you can join. So basically were suppose to help each other with studies or anything in general as long as we can help each other. Not until Kevin became president, the cortex club became a party place."

"Is that so.." Oh God I'm getting sleepy. Lapis' voice is so angelic I can't--

"Can I stay here for the night?" And possibly for the whole week?"

I would love nothing more than to be by her side everyday. "Of course."

"Thanks, I just don't want to be with Aquamarine for the mean time."

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