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I'm sorry but I love smut.
Smut up ahead!
Ugh, my head hurts. Slowly but painfully, my eyes opened. My body was still aching badly but I still managed to move my arm and touch my forehead. I didn't know why but somehow about doing that makes you know you're conscious. My body then sat upright and I stretched my limbs out. How.. refreshing.


Startled, I looked at the girl who sat beside my bed. It was Aquamarine. I felt my shoulders slump down from tense to relief.

"How do you feel?"

Besides my aching body and head, I must say that I do feel kind of at ease.

"I'm... okay." Was all I muttered out.

"You know, you're very lucky." She had this smile that still looked sad. "Most of the people Jasper and Kevin take in in that underground torture chamber, don't come out alive. And with Lapis."

I looked at her with wide eyes, Lapis carried me here? I felt my heart skip a beat. But wait, most of the people? And wait, Kevin? Isn't he the guy who killed my mom? Flashbacks of people who told me so replayed on my head. It dawned in me that the asshole, jerk, sonofabitch who lassoed and lashed me with the rope, was the one who killed my mother. But didn't Pearl said that he was apprehended?

"I thought that guy was.." I was out of words, my throat was dry as the desert and my head was aching so bad.

"You better lie down-- and yes, he was apprehended but.. he's one of the richest guys out there. He could just pay another good lawyer and be free again." Aquamarine stood from her seat to guide me lie down.

It sounds so unfair. A criminal moving the law by money. I have never despised him so much. I didn't want to talk about him either for now. All I wanted to do is relax and get myself healing.

As Aquamarine sat back on her seat and I lay down there, quietly breathing, staring out at the dusty windows. The thought of where was Lapis and my roommates never left my head.

I spun my face to the right quickly which gave me another terrible short headache, but I still asked Aquamarine while my face scrunched up in pain.

"Where are the others?"

Aquamarine chuckled. "Lapis is fetching your roommates. They'll be here shortly after."

Just then, we heard faint footsteps outside the door, gradually getting louder.

"Speaking of." Aquamarine remarked.

Crap what should I do? Should I sleep? Pretend that they're not there? Because I knew for sure I would be bombarded with questions. Suddenly, Aquamarine held my hand and she had this mischievous smile.

"Pretend that you're dead." She whispered.

As soon as the door opened, I closed my eyes and didn't dare move a single muscle. I shortened my breath and took in air slowly so that it wouldn't look like I was still breathing.

"Lapis!" Aquamarine screamed. Holding my hand tightly.

What great acting. It almost felt real.

"W-what happened?" I could already feel the brokenhearted-ness in Lapis' voice.

"She-she didn't make it." Aquamarine cried. As she let go of my hand. I couldn't really see anything but all I could hear was held in breaths and Aquamarine's cry.

Footsteps came nearing me, a touch in my cheek. Then I felt someone rest it's head on my chest. My t-shirt getting damped. Is this person crying?

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