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(Lapis' P.O.V.)

The greatest christmas gift.
Was I ready? No I wasn't.
What am I gonna do?
Introduce her.


"Because I really really really FUCKING love you." Peridot grinned.

Took me a second before I get why she said that. She's such a dork.

I didn't know why but my heart tells me that Peridot is the best gift that I ever received. She's literally my angel. Fuck can you believe that? An angel, AND your girlfriend? What can you ask for more?

I lay there on her bare stomach and closed my eyes. Her warmth embracing my shivering ass. It gets very cold whenever it's winter, and it sucks when you have no one to hold at these type of hours. I am forever thankful for my girlfriend.

But you know what can possibly top all of this up? A letter from my parents or better yet, they go home and invite me on a nice dinner. I never heard anything from them since I turned fourteen. It was also that time where they kept leaving and having vacations.

Why am I always excluded? I asked them once and they told me because they weren't just "vacations" they were involved with "business" and that I would only understand when I get older.
I tried to understand them.
It was always like that.
After a week of staying in home, they leave and don't come back for months.
They always leave me with our good neighbor Mrs. Miller.

Being fourteen is dumb and tough. You get these random hormonal fuck-ups with yourself, sometimes you cry for no reason. Maybe you do know the reason but you're too blind to understand. Then there's this existential crisis or identity crisis.
You ask yourself "who/what am I?". And what sucks most is that when you're having these changes, your parents aren't there to guide you. Just your neighbor.

People say that I'm very lucky. They say that I get to live in a big house and my life is luxurious. They say that they envy me. They don't know I envy them too.
Honestly? Money won't mean shit if you have no love to receive or give. I envy them because they have family members to lean on. I only had Mrs. Miller. Not that I'm complaining, but she's our neighbor man! NEIGHBOR. If she was my aunt, it could've been ten times better.
As a fourteen year old, I find this very upsetting. I wanted to rebel and leave our home. But I couldn't without saying goodbye. So I ended up not leaving at all. What I did do though, was cut my hair short. Let my blue hair get crazy. And just be.. cold.
I've always wanted to not give a single flying fuck. Specially towards my emotionally abusing parents. I'm sure they love me somehow but they just don't know how to put it in the right way. They send me weekly money which is too much but I don't complain. Although in the end, I couldn't hate them. I squeal like an excited little girl in christmas eve whenever they come back. I will always love them.

"Hey Lappy?"



"I need to use the bathroom."

I removed myself from her as she quickly stood and walked towards the bathroom to relieve herself. Her short legs and perky ass is so fucking amazing.

"Geez I can feel your stare." She chuckled before winking at me and closing the door.

"You sexy human." I whispered.

I lay there on the bed with my arms spread. Staring at the ceiling and waiting for her to come back. I wasn't expecting anything to happen, like my phone ringing all of a sudden. I quickly grabbed the vibrating device on my pocket. Without looking at the caller ID, I answered.

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