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(Lapis' P.O.V.)

I decided to go to my dorm. Just to check out and possibly have a talk with Aquamarine. I don't know what will happen, but one thing's for sure: I will NEVER forgive nor trust her.
Seems a bit cruel, but that's what she gets after betraying me.

I wrapped myself with my arms to keep away the cool air from freezing me to death. I have so many layers of clothing but it's still cold as fuck. Eventually, my trembling legs finally took me to my destination. I hurried my pace and reached the door.

It felt like I was carrying the weight of the world. My mood was already getting sour just by thinking about seeing Aquamarine. This was the last thing I wanted to do till new year. I take a lot of time to think and reflect.

Sighing my thoughts away, my hand shakily formed into a fist. Lifting it up to let my knuckles touch the wooden door and repeatedly tapped. I halted and placed both my hands behind my back. Patiently waiting for someone to open.
There was no one answering.
I moved my weight to my toes then down to the ball of my feet. Doing random movements just so I can produce heat.

"Jesus Christ open up." I was about to knock again when it opened.

There she was. Aquamarine.

"La-Lapis!" She looked shocked with a mixture of relief and happiness. "I'm so glad you're back!" Aquamarine opened her arms to approach me with a hug, I took a step back and waved a hand over her.

"No." I replied to her greet.

Her arms slowly fell down to her sides. She took a deep breath and nodded.

"Lapis I-"

"How about we talk inside?" Bitch it's FREEZING outside.

Aquamarine looked taken aback at my sudden cut off. She stuttered with her movements as she made way for me to enter the dorm by opening the door wide.
I tipped my shoes off on the welcome rug to remove the snow and dirt then went in.

"Would you um, would you like something to drink?" She asked while she closed the door and I made my way towards to sofa to plump down. The fireplace was lit and was very warm.

"No thanks. I don't want to be poisoned." My lips gave out a plastic smile towards her.

Her brows furrowed and I can tell she was frustrated. "Lapis, please just.." Aquamarine closed her eyes, then pinched her nose bridge by her thumb and index finger. She shook her head then sighed. "Listen to me okay." Her hands swung and placed on her hips

I pouted a little bit. She sat down beside me but kept distance.

"I was FUCKED that time alright? You know that I can't poison you, you're my best friend!"

I wanted to tell her lots of savage come backs but I couldn't. It would make me rude and she might kill her self. I've known Aquamarine to get suicidal once she knows she can't do anything anymore.
Instead, I bit my tongue and held off the comments that I wanted to say.
I'll just listen.

"I'm so so sorry, if I would've REALLY wanted you dead then I wouldn't use a very obvious liquid. I mean, I could've dissolved ten xanax pills in your drink like what Kevin planned me to do-- but I didn't!"

This is just fucked up now.

"Lapis please understand. He promised me something that I got blinded about. I almost exchanged our friendship to something not even worth it. Lapis please just-"

"Enough." I spoke. Deep breath, Lazuli. Deep breaths. "I get your point."

She looked relief again. But I kept my straight face and serious stare. "I get that you just want to be normal with me again because loneliness is killing you. Don't you have Topaz for that?"

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