Sometime in the Future

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[Peridot's P.O.V]
The sound of calming ocean waves crashing down the shore brought me to my senses. My still body picking up the uncomfortable grains of sand trickling on my legs and arms. I let my lungs fill, taking in the salty air.

"Hey, you awake?" What seemed to be an angelic voice, murmured.

I took my time to adjust to the warmth and ambience. It just felt too calming to move or speak, it was as if I was in heaven, if that place ever exists.

As the thoughts trailed on my mind, I felt a soft peck on my forehead, which caused me to flutter my eyes open. "Lapis?" The first word that came out of my mouth.

"I'm right here, my love." She whispered.

I was lying my head on her thigh while she was sitting under a coconut tree to shelter us from the sun. A bit of sunlight escaping through the thick and wide leaves, hitting my eyes; I groaned and buried my head on her stomach.

"You'll forever hate the sun huh." She giggled as her fingers ran through the strands of my hair. Caressing me gently, dearly, softly.

"Too bright." I spoke in between grunts and moans.


I shifted my head to look up at her.

"I love you." She smiled.

Her affection felt like the warm touch of the sun, her voice was the perfect song I would listen to daily, and her smile... lights up my life.

"I love you too."

but thats too perfect for you wasn't it?

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