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You're all probably confused.

Alright, since I also need to clear things up.

After I was beaten up by Jasper and Kevin, I got into a coma. Meaning whatever I did, I saw, I'd done for the past days, where all just my imagination. A dream. It never came true.

It really did make a lot of sense since I thought that my lips were heavily bruised as well as my body, but when I remember kissing Lapis or Amethyst, it didn't hurt. And did I mention the make out sessions? Jesus. My body would've been broken by then.

I am basically bed ridden for now. The doctor though, was Dr. Maheschwaren. And she looked exactly what she looked like on my dream. Coincidence, maybe. I just hope so. Anyways, she told me that I could try moving to get my limbs working again for good blood circulation and all that, but also told me to be careful. She said that I fractured a rib, but it was already healed thanks to a girl named Rose Quartz. I still needed time to get my body all working properly and in good condition. For now, I just have to lay down and relax myself.

Also, you're probably wondering: "since you dreamt about making out with Amethyst, does that mean you have a hidden desire to do so?!"

Let me tell you, NO. Or at least that's what I currently think. Why would I cheat on Lapis when she's done nothing but be loyal and kind towards me? Also mentioning that she literally went all Rambo just for the sake of saving me.

I readjusted my position to be much more comfortable which was to lie down and let my limbs stretch out. My body seemed to be doing okay, but I didn't know about my face. It still felt numb, but I could talk.

"Hey Peridot. Want to eat pudding?" Lapis asked, placing down the book she's been reading since earlier this morning. Her eye bags were really showing.

"Don't you want to sleep?" I replied with a quiet sigh.

She shook her head. "I can't close my eyes. I'm afraid the moment I wake up, you'll be gone again." She yawned.

She was so heartwarming. But she really needs to think about herself too.

"Have some time for yourself too." I gave her a smile.

Ouch, my lips. I guess I can't stretch it for now. I'd have to stay monotone looking.

"You were in a really bad shape you know." She said. Placing a book mark then closed the book. She must've noticed the painful look I made when I smiled.

"Half of your lower lip's skin was torn off, your body was so limp, you have this tiny gash on your head. Jesus it was horrifying." The way how she explained it was enough for me to feel a shiver down my spine.

"But I'm okay now, thanks to you." I tried looking for a positive thing from what happened. There wasn't anything, but I still replied with hope.

Lapis had this sad look in her face. Oh, I know that look. She's doubting herself. Why would she when she saved me?

"It could've gone worse, I'm sorry for not being a good girlfriend.."

Is she being serious?

There where bandages on my arms and legs, but that didn't stop me from trying to sit up and reach for Lazuli. She was only sitting beside me so I could easily touch her.

My fingertips reached her soft cheeks. I had to stare at her eyes. I wanted to see that calming sea inside. "You are the best girlfriend anyone would could ever have." I whispered. And I meant it. It felt like my chest suddenly became lighter. My heart was racing and all I could see and think about was Lapis. She was the only thing that mattered.

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