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(Lapis' P.O.V.)

What would you expect when you open your eyes after an exciting night?
Your lover's body cuddling beside you?
You see them standing at your door frame, holding a tray with breakfast food in it?
Or you didn't sleep at all and continued until morning?
I wasn't really expecting anything to happen at all. I guess I just got my hopes up high to the fact that I might wake up to my beautiful girlfriend beside me, but that tiny hope crashed down once I realized that she was already gone.

My body was tucked nicely in my thick blanket. Pushing myself off from the fabric to sit upright, a yawn escaped my mouth as my arms stretched outwards. Despite the saddening fact that I woke up to no one beside me, I felt refreshed.

My legs gently kicked off the blanket then I sat on the edge of the bed. Another yawn came out and I covered my mouth. Morning tears filled the brim of my eyes. I rubbed it then panned to my left to see a still-hot chocolate drink from last night. She must've reheated it. Under the mug, was a note. I lifted the ceramic item to get the paper and read what it said.

"Sorry, I had to go. I love you!" On the bottom was a drawing of a dorito.

"What a dork." I thought.

I guess my morning had a good start. What should I do today?

The door creaked open as Aquamarine peeked her head in. She smiled once she saw me then made her way towards my bed.

"Finally, you're awake." She smirked.

"Good morning to you too Aquamarine." I did a joking eye roll.

"You know, the vortex club will have another meeting tonight." Aquamarine knew I didn't want to hear anything relating to that club. But she still said it anyways.
That's one of Aquamarine's traits which I don't like.

I took a deep sigh before speaking. "I don't care if we're having another meeting."

"Come on Laz!" She threw her arms up in a what the fuck manner. "You already made a mark on those two, they wouldn't bother you or your girlfriend again for sure." She crossed her arms.

"Why do you need me so badly in that club?" With an irritated tone, I replied.

"Have you forgotten that you're the backbone?" She placed her hands on her hips then adjusted her weight to her left leg. "You even got our logo tattooed on your back!"

I took a moment of silence until she charged towards me to lift my sweater up on my back. "See that!-- oh.." Her tone changed drastically from anger to realization. I swung my head back to check out what made her stop squawking.

"Shiiiit Laz. Peridot left you some marks." She grinned mischievously.

Her face turned back to anger quickly once she realized that she got distracted.

"Bitch. Just fucking attend so I won't be shoving my foot up your ass." And with that Aquamarine brought down my sweater then left the room without another word.

Attend... I hung my head low and closed my eyes. Took a deep breath and sighed. I guess I should.. Just to see what all the fuss is about. My head nodded along to my decision, then I opened my eyes back again.

The wall clock beeped at nine am. I still had a lot of time before attending tonight's meeting. You're probably wondering why the club meetings take whole nights to finish. Well, as far as I can remember, there is no actual meeting. It's literally meeting up of members because we're gonna have fun or drink and get wasted or just talk about personal problems and life. Vortex club is really just where lonely and broken souls go. To the outside, we may seem to be the most elite or the richest people in school. When honestly were just kids who love to party (I never really like partying unless I am so fucking down and want to drown my emotions away by sitting beside the loud speaker, also possibly gulping down milk.) what? I don't drink. And besides, milk is good.

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