There For You ( A 5SOS fanfiction )

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"Hi hunny. How was your day at school?" my mother asked me.

"Okay, just as boring as usual. I'm so happy I'm going to be finished soon." I had replied.

"I'm sure your happy about that, but I really need to tell you something." my mother said.

I have to admit I was kinda worried about what she had to say but I acted like it was nothing.

"Sure what's up?" I smiled. 

"I have to go on a business trip and I'm leaving tomorrow" my mother explained.

I noticed how she had said "I'm leaving" she never said anything about me.

"Okay so am I coming with you or am I staying here?" I questioned

"Well I can't bring you with me so your going to be staying with Ashton for a while" my mother continued explaining.

This made me happy. Ashton was my best friend. He was almost 2 years older than me but we had been best friends for as long as we could remeber. We were always there for eachother like brother and sister. The only thing that made our friendship hard was that he was in a band called 5 Seconds of Summer and they did alot of touring. This meant we weren't always in the same country. I loved hanging out with his band aswell. They were great fun. I saw them alot but I didn't know any of them very well. 

"Okay. That's great. I better go pack." I chirped and starting running up the stairs. I was just at the top when I realised that I didn't know how long she was going for.

"How long will you be gone?" I shouted at my mother.

"About a month" she shouted back.

To be honest I was excited I was spening a whole month with Ashton...until I remebered he was going on an Australlian tour.

There For You ( Luke Hemmings )Where stories live. Discover now