Chapter 7.

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Jess P.O.V

Calum and Michael looked at me with blank expressions, as if they didn't know what to say.

"Well say something," I was starting to grow impatient at their silence. I needed them to say something, whether it was another question or a response to my statement!

"Okay," Michael started, laughing nervously, "I suppose we could say we have good news for you but we also have news that is possibly bad," he continued.

I really didn't know what Michael was trying to say. I looked up and gave them a confused look. "What are you trying to say?" I asked.

"We shouldn't really tell you yet because we have to make sure it's okay with Luke and Michael," Calum tried to explain.

I was really confused but decided to let it slip, if it was really important they would tell me later. "So what do you want to do now?" I asked wanting to move on from the last conversation. I didn't really feel like finishing Truth or Dare but I decided to leave it up to the lads.

"Let's watch some telly," Calum suggested picking up the remote and flicking through the channels. Eventually we found a re-run of Friends and seeing as there was nothing else on we watched it. We stayed watching Friends until Luke and Ashton came back.

"We're back," Ashton shouted as he burst through the doors, with Luke following behind.

"How was your shopping trip?" I laughed seeing that they had only one bag with them and they had been gone for almost 2 hours.

"We got to Target and realised that we had basically everything we needed so we just walked around looking at stuff and ended up buying some random crap," Ashton explained

"I suppose that explains this phone cover and bar of soap?" I asked jokingly while rummaging through the Target bag.

"We have to stay clean," Ashton laughed.

"It might stop you from smelling," I joked.

"Heyy, I don't smell," Ashton defended himself.

"So do you actually need any of that stuff for tour or did you just buy it for the sake of buying it?" I asked

"We'll probably bring all of it, even though we don't need any of it," Luke answered.

"Your all worse than girls," I joked.

"Well that's insulting," Luke pretended to look hurt. I tried to think of a response but his face while pretending to be offended was so cute and I couldn't think of anything.

"Hah, you can't think of any thing to say," Luke shoved it in my face.

"Sometimes I wonder if you guys are teenagers or little 3 year old boys," I laughed while leaving the living room to go upstairs.

Once I was upstairs I got my phone, went through my messages and checked my notifications. I had a few messages from my friends and one from my mother. I read through my messages but none of them were very important except my mother wanting me to call her. I decided I better call her. I was missing her and didn't want her to worry about me. Just as I was about to press the call button I realised that she didn't know I was going on tour with the boys.

"Ash," I shouted down the stairs. I heard the living room door open and Ashton shout up the stairs, "Yeah Jess, what's up?"

"Should I tell my mother I'm going on tour with you guys or should I just let her think I'm staying at your place?" I asked him, really not knowing what to do about the situation. I knew I should tell her but I was scared if she knew she wouldn't let me go.

"She already knows Jess," Ashton laughed, "My mam asked me would it be okay if you went on tour with us because your mam was going away for a while. She's known and so have we for over a week," he continued to explain.

I could believe it. My mam, Ashton, Ashton's mam and probably Luke, Calum and Michael all knew I was going on tour with them; and nobody bothered to tell me. "You're all so sneaky," I laughed. "I know we are," Ashton smiled cheekily. "Any way I'm going to call my mam, I'll come down when I'm finished," I explained. "Okay," Ashton smiled.

Ashton's P.o.V

I closed the living room door and told the boys that Jess was calling her Mam. Taking advantage of the fact that Jess wasn't with us, I turned to Calum and Michael. "Did you ask her," I questioned suddendly very nervous. I looked over at Luke and he looked the same way I felt.

"Yeah we did," Calum said slowly.

"And," Luke and I asked at the same time.

"One of you will be happy, the other won't be," Michae stated.

This meant she liked one of us. I was growing impatient to know who it was. I felt like I was making a really big deal out of this, but I really like Jess and being friends just did feel like enough any more.

"Just say it," I snapped harsher than intended.

"Okay. When weasked her who she liked she was reluctant to tell us but we got it out of her. She said she likes Luke," Calum explained.

I'm not sure how I felt. It was like my heart had sunk to the bottom of my stomach.

"Then," Michael continued, "We told her that we thought she liked you," He looked in my direction.

I had to know what she thought about me so I spoke up, "And what did she about me?" I asked.

"She said that you make her happy and you will always be there for each other. She also said she will never like you in that way, mainly because you guys are best friends," Michael explained.

It was hard to know how to feel. She said I make her happy but also that she will never like me as I like her. I needed time to think about this on my own and figure out how I felt. I stood up and told the boys I was going upstairs for a while.

I was just on the top step of the stair when Jess appeared out of the room we had shared the previous night..

"Hi," Jess chirped when she saw me.

"Oh hi," I muttered not really in the mood for talking.

"Okay, what's wrong?" She asked knowing something was wrong. I was about to open my mouth and give her some crappy answer when she started to talk again, "And don't say nothing. I know your upset and I can't stand to see you like this. Just tell me whats wrong. We're best friends remember? I'm always going to be there for you no matter what. I can't help if you don't tell me what's wrong,"

"It's just I don't know if your the right person to tell," I said to her. I couldn't tell her what was wrong when she was the problem. I looked up at her after speaking and hurt was written all over her face.



Just so your not confused, this story isn't really set in any paticular time. They all teenagers in this. Let's just forget that Ashton is actually 20 and Luke is 18. Okay? lol!!

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