Chapter 4

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Jess P.o.V

I could feel the light off the sun shining in my face. It was too early in the morning to be awake I thought to myself as I turned over to fall back asleep again. As I rolled over I found Ashton fast asleep beside me. I suddendly felt very embarrased. I had fallen asleep with my best friend, how did I let that happen. I hope none of the other boys saw us, I mean we did nothing but sleep. It's just I told the boys we were only friends, who knows what they would be thinking if they saw us. Suddendly I didn't feel so tired.

"Ash, walk up," I tried to shake him awake, "Ash come on wake up," I pleaded. I continued shaking him, willing him to wake up. "ASHTON FLETCHER IRWIN YOU BETTER WAKE UP, I HAVE VEGEMITE," I shouted, lying about the vegemite but it wouldn't be that hard to find, all the boys loved it after all. He still wasn;t awake though. Seriously this boy was immpossible to wake up. I needed him  to wake up so we could come up with some excuse to tell the boys about I sleeping together. I needed them to know that me and Ash were just the best of friends and we would never be more. I needed Luke to know most of all. I needed Luke to understand that I didn't like Ash is that kind of way, and that it was him I liked. 

I continued to shake Ashton hoping he would walk up, but it was a failed attempt every time. He refused to wake up. Nothing tried was working, I was running out of ideas when I saw a bucket in the corner of the room. It confused me as to why there was a bucket in the room, but I picked it up and headed into the bathroom. I filled the bucket up with water from the cold tap and walked back to the room me and Ashton had been sleeping in. Not being careful about it at all I poured the water over Ashton's head, laughing while I did this.

"W-what the actual fuck Jess," Ashton asked groggily finally starting to wake up.

I was laughing so hard I nearly pissed my pants.

"You wouldn't wake up, so I had to wake you up some way," I continued laughing at him.

"You could have let me sleep," He groaned.

That reminded me why I had woken him up in the first place. I took a minute to soberup my laughs before expkaining our little situation to Ashton.

"Oh yeah I woke you up for a reason, we need to talk," I started.

"Oh okay, what's up?" Ashton asked suddenly interested in the conversation.

"We slept together last night, and the other boys might have seen us, and thought we were up to something else, so now we have to come up with some excuse as to why we were sleeping together," I explained.

Ashton P.o.V

Her words hurt me for some reason. She wanted to come up with some excuse as to why we were sleeping together. To be honest it had been the best night sleep I ever had. I had slept with my best friend who was also turning out to be the girl of my dreams.It had been amazing, we were just talking and she fell asleep. While she was asleep I took my chance to wrap my arms around her and get as close as I could to her. She was so warm and amazing and looked so cute when she was asleep. But here she was worrying about what the other boys would think about us sleeping together. I wanted to be able to walk into the kitchen and proudly announce I had just slept (not sexually) but just slept with the girls of my dreams, but that's obviously not how she felt. Deciding to tell the boys about my feelings towards Jess this morning I just went along with Jess.

"Yeah your right we need an excuse," I lied doing my best to keep her happy.

"Okay so we um, we could, uuugg, oh we could tell them you felt horrible and I was comforting you, and then we just fell asleep. I mean its kinda true, we did just fall asleep, but I was only pretending to comfort you because you were only pretending to be sick. But then you were actually kinda  upset even though you didn't need to be. Yeah that excuse will do," she rambled on , looking so worried, but she looked so cute when she was worried.

"Yeah that will do," I replied.

"Okay lets go," she grabbed my arm pulling me out the door and down the stairs.

Luke P.o.V

"Pass me the vegemite," I said to Calum as we were eating breakfast. I was still upset about seeing Jess and Ashton in bed together. I was kinda woried about what they were doing this morning because I heard Jess screaming a good bit. Just as I was thinking about them, the two of them walked into the kitchen. Ashton was completely drenched, his hair and clothes were soaked. I decided to ignore it and hoped somebody else would ask why he was so wet.

"Ooh, the love birds decided to wake up after their wild night, did they," Michael teased them, not bothering to even look up at them

The words were barely out of his mouth when Jess suddendly started talking very fast,. "It's not what it looked like, I was just looking after Ash because he was sick and I was tired and I fell asleep in the same bed as him. I just woke up a few minutes ago, and I triedto wake up Ash. He wasn't waking up so I had to pour a bucket of water over his head," Jess said very fast.

"Geez, calm down," Calum stated, " and we understand you just fell asleep together, nothing more," he continued calming Jess down.

I can't even describe how happy this made me feel. They didn't do anything together. I was so relieved. This meant that maybe she didn't like him and I still had a chance with her.

For the next few minutes we just sat in silence eating our breakfasts, all of us to tired to really speak much. It was Jess that interupted the silence.

"Um Luke?," She asked me shyly.

"Yes Jess," I answered her.

"Could I um use your shower, I need a quick wash," she asked cautiously.

"Yeah of course, it's in the bathroom at the end of the hall upstairs. I'll show you how to work it," I replied to her. Honestly the shower was the easiest thing possible to work, but I just wanted a reason to talk to her and be aloan with her, even for just a minute.

I stood up from the table and headed towards the bathroom, Jess following behind me.

"So, how're you this morning?" I asked her.

"I'm grand, really tired though, but wha'ts new! How're you?"

"Ah sure I'm good," I replied to her question.

This was so awkward, I needed something to talk about with her, but it was hard to think of something. We had reached the bathroom and I still hadn't thought of something to talk about. I quickely showed her how to turn on the shower and how to change the settings. I was leaving the bathroom when I remember Me, Calum and Michael's conversation the previous night about her first time and whether or not it had been Ashton.

I turned around to face Jess and mustered up all the courage I had to ask her the question.

"Was your first time with Ashton?" I blurted out, not being able to think of a better way to phrase it. 

Here cheeks suddendly went red and I felt so stupid for asking the question.

"I-I'm sorry, Don't answer if it you dont want to," I stuttered.

"No Luke, it's okay I can't hide it forvever," she started. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, and to be honest I'm not even sure why.

"I haven't had my first time yet," she muttered hiding her face in her hands.

Well that's not what I was expecting, I thought she would have had her first  time, but it just gave us another thing in common. I still hadn;t had my first time either.

"Well that makes two of us," I laughed trying to make Jess less embarrased with my truth.

"Really, I'm suprised. What about Calum and Michael?," She asked clearly suprised at what I had just admitted.

"I can't tell you about them. You'll have to ask them yourself," I laughed leaving her alone to shower.

She was perfect, I really really liked her. I  just had to find a way in telling Ashton that I like his best friend!


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