Chapter 41.

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(You should like really listen to Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran while reading the start of this chapter. It just really fits in with it!!) 

Jess P.o.V

"I think we should just stay here and sleep under the stars," Luke sighed happily.

"I think you're right," I confidently agreed.

"Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars. Place your head on my beating heart," Luke sang quietly his voice sounding angelic.

"There's a song lyric for every emotion and want," Luke smiled expectly.

"Oh so that's what you want," I faked suspition.

"How did you guess?" He placed his hand over his mouth in mock shock.

"Well come her so," I instructed him to move closer to me.

He inched his way toward me and placed his hands on my hips. I reached up and wrapped my hands around his neck. I pressed my lips to his and kissed him with great passion. He worked his hands through my hair,  and smiled into the kiss.

"I'll never get tired of kissing you," He chuckled.

"Well good for you, I'm never going to want stop kissing you," I promised with passion.

We ended up falling asleep in each others arms on the cold soft green grass. My head was rest on Luke's chest and his head was rest on my hoodie which was rolled up into a little pillow shape. The stars shone brightly and the cast a gleaming glow upon us. Despite the chill breeze drifting over us falling asleep was simple. With Luke's arm wrapped  firmly around my waist I felt safe and secure.

I woke up the next morning feeling lost and disorientated. It took my eyes minutes to adjust to the brightness of where we were. Luke didn't wake up until at least half an hour after I did and when he did he looked compltely lost. Walking up in the middle of a field next to a dripping waterfall is not something out of the norm. We didn't speak much as both of us were too tired to even move. The morning heat blared down onto our backs warming us up without being too warm. We held onto each other appriciating every passing moment until eventually came a time that we actually had to move.

"Hey Jess?" Luke spoke up after over an hour of silence.

"Yeah," I sighed looking up into his still sleepy face.

"It's after one pm," He chuckled brining his large hand to my face.

"Are you serious?" I exclaimed, shocked at how long we had been there.

"Mhuh," He was smiling like an idiot.

"Should we go?" I suggested half heartedly not really wanting to leave.

"Probably, I just don't really want to leave," He shrugged voicing his opinion.

We looked at eachother silently deciding to leave. Luke stood up only to crouch back down again so I could hop onto his back. I threw my hoodie over Luke's head covering his eyes and laughing while doing so.

"Do you want a piggy back or not?" He asked with serious sarcasm.

"Of course not, I want to walk all the way home," I replied with equal sarcasm.

"Fine so be like that," He pretended to turn a cold shoulder on me, but set of walking anyway.

Luke walked slowly, but really we weren't in any rush. He carried me all the way back to my house and only let me down once we reached my room. I threw myself onto my bed and closed my eyes. I may have slept for over twelve hours, but I was still tired. I heard Luke kick of his tattered shoes . He placed the duvet over me and crawled in beside me. We were both obviously extremely tired and soon enough we were asleep.

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