Chapter 10.

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Jess P.o.V

"Jess, get up," Ashton yelled as he knocked on the door.

"What?" I asked, not fully awake. I walked over to door, and turned the door to let Ashton in. "What do you want, it's only like 7?" I did not appriciate being woken up so early.

"We have to be reading in two hours,"

"What? The show isn't until 6 o'clock and Allphones is only half an hour away," I asked still annoyed.

"We have to put our stuff on the tour bus which is coming here a 9, then we're going to do a quick meet and greet  with the fans in the city at 11, That will take up around 2 hours. After the meetup we're going to get lunch and we have a sound check at 3." Ashton explained the days schedual.

"That sounds like alot of work," I muttered.

"You don't have to go to the meet and greet. You can go shopping or whatever you want. It's being held in Capitol Square so plenty of shops for you," He laughed.

"Or I could sleep on the bus," I joined in laughing.

"Well it's up to you," He left room, closing the door behind him.

There was no hope of me squeezing in any more sleep so I started getting ready for the day. I had quick shower and decided to let my hair dry naturally. An hour an half was enough time to let it dry. My hair was long but it was very thin so it never took a very long time to dry. While my hair was drying I looked through my suitcase for something to wear. It looked like it was going to be a pretty warm day I chose a pair of high waisted  denim shorts and a simple plain white crop top. I tied a red flannel around my waist and paired my outfit with my black vans. Next I did my make up. My make up was always  very light. I applied a small bit of concealer to the areas I needed it and two coats of black mascara to eyes. The mascara seemed to make my blue eyes pop so I always used it. My hair was almost dry so I decided to put in a side braid over my right shoulder. I took one last look in the mirror before picking up my phone and going down stairs.

The boys were all downstairs at this stage and eating pancakes. I sat down beside Ashton and opposite Luke. Calum passed me the plate of pancakes or well more one pancake. "One pancake, Really?" I laughed. "Hey don't complain. we only two each," Michael groaned, "Luke clearly doesn't understand that we need to be hungry and need food,"

"Well if your that hungry feel free to cook whatever you want," Luke retorted.

"I would but I'm too tired, getting up at 7 in the morning doesn't make me happy," Michael complained.

"It's okay Michael, I feel the same," I said shooting a glare at Ashton.

"Hey, you needed to be woken up or you would never have been ready in time," Ashton defended himself.

"Yeah and look it's only quatar past eight now, I could've slept for another forty-five minutes," I retorted starting my pancake.

"Ugh., let's face it we all need sleep," Calum sighed, obviously just as tired as Michael and I. 

We sat in complete silence for the next fifteen minutes, all of us too tired to even attept more conversation. 

 "Well I better clean these or mam will kill me when she gets home," Luke sighed pointing towards the dirty plates and cutlery on the table. We all just sat and watched as he brought the dirty dishes over to the sink and filled the sink with water. "Well thanks for the help guys"


A half an hour later the tour bus pulled up outside the house. I made Ashton bring my suitcase onto the bus because I was too lazy to carry it out. We had a half an hour to sort out sleeping arrangements sort our selfs out.

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