Chapter 40.

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Luke P.o.V

 "My mam can't know about this," Fear flashed across Jess' features. We had called over to Ashton's house the morning after the accident.

"Don't be stupid Jess you have to tell her," Ashton responded sternly.

"Why though? Nothing happened to me, everything is perfectly fine," Jess retaliated.

"Except for the bruises and cuts on your face. She's not stupid she'll know something happened" Ashton scoffed.

"And I'll tell her I fell out of the attic. She doesn't have to know anything," Jess persisted.

"You're being really stupid Jess," I stared harshly at her.

"So?" She challenged, "She just doesn't have to know. It's simple really"

"I will tell her if you don't," I decided.

"I'll breakup with you if you do," She snapped.

"You love me too much to break up with me," I smiled.

"Well that's true," She smiled and brought her body closer to me. I swung her legs onto my lap and kissed her nose. She rest her forehead against mine and smiled.

"Still here," Ashton laughed.

"Then leave," Jess giggled.

"It's my house," He exclaimed.

"We clearly don't care," Jess continued.

"Clearly," He laughed. "But I'll be nice and leave you alone," He stood up and began to leave the room, purposely taking slow steps. 

"No fucking on the couch, there's too many innocent eyes around," He laughed cheekily on his way out.

"ASHTON!" Jess screamed throwing a pillow at him.

"I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm gone," He left the room closing the door behind him.

"I think it's time we went out again," I announced.

"You're right, only this time I'm choosing where we go and I'm not going to tell you," She stuck her tongue out at me, causing the side of her eyes to crinkle in the cutest way possible.

"You're too cute," I sighed. "I'm so lucky to have you."

"Oh tell me something I don't know," She said her voice dripping with sarcasm. "But really, I'm too lucky to have you. I love you," 

"I love you," I gently pressed my lips to her forehead, right beside the bruise from the car crash.

Jess crawled off of my lap and moved back into the spot she was sitting before. She moved her head to rest on my arm. She placed her right arm over my stomach, and closed her eyes. I used my finger to draw random shapes on her arm and quietly starting singing. Her eyes flickered open for a quick second and she smiled a sweet smile before drifting back into sleep. Her head fell back onto my arm and we both stayed quiet and unmoving.

I continued tracing shapes on her arm while she fell into an even deeper sleep. The noises from Ashton, Lauren and Harry continued through out the house, but I was in my own little a world. A world where it was just me and Jess, with no interuptions from the outside world.

I'm not sure how long we stayed like that, maybe it was 5 minutes maybe it was an hour, but it was perfect. Our peace was ruined when Ashton came barging into the room banging the door loudly behind him. I could feel Jess stirring beneath me and her eyes opened, very glossy from being asleep. 

"Thanks dickhead, you woke her up," I laughed.

"Yeah thanks shit face," Jess laughed groggily.

"How was I supposed to know you were asleep," Ashton raised his hands defensively.

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