Chapter 15.

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Jess P.o.V

I heard a knock on the bathroom door.


"Luke wants to know if you're ready?" Calum's voice travelled through the door.

"Yeah, one minute," I shouted back.

Luke and I were just about to leave, and he still hadn't told me where we were going. "Okay, I'm ready," I smiled walking out of the bathroom. Luke took my hand and we left the bus. We walked for about five minutes to a bus stop. Luckily enough we didn't have to wait too long for the bus, only about 2 minutes. We took our seats on the bus and I paid for the bus fee. The bus ride was short and when we got of the bus Luke told me we would have to walk anoter 10 minutes to get to where we were going. I still had no clue what we were doing, but it great to just be spending time with Luke.

"Okay close your eyes," Luke said to me, after we had been walking for a while.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I don't want you too know what we're doing until we get there. It's just around corner so please close you eyes," He explained with a big smile on his face.

I closed my eyes and let Luke lead me around the corner, making sure I didn't fall.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now," I knew he was smiling.

I opened my eyes and looked around me, taking in our surroundings. To say I was shocked is a understatment. I had been expecting something small like go-carting or going to a park, but Luke had really gone all out. We were going swimming with dolphins.

"Oh my god Luke, are you actually serious?" I laughed, hugging him

"Yes of course," He shook his head laughing. 

I had always wanted to go swimming with dolphins, but I never had the chance and nobody I knew ever wanted to. "I've always wanted to go swimming with dolphins,"  I told Luke, still smiling like an idiot.

"I know," He grinned.

"How?" I asked.

"You have a great friend who told me," he laughed.


"Who else" 

We walked inside and Luke paid.  We were given wet suits and the gear needed. Soon enough we were ready.

It really was amazing. It was so cool being so close to dolphins. The dolphins were really fascinating. They weren't shy about coming over to me and Luke and they were even trained to do tricks. It was one of the cutest things ever, and really enjoyable. But all too soon we had to get out of the water and leave.

"Thank you so much Luke, that was amazing," I smiled when I was changed back into my clothes.

"I'm so happy you enjoyed it," He hugged me.

After that we went to Hungry Jack's for something to eat. We were both really hungry after swimming with the dolphins and Hungry Jack's was the closest place to us.

"You look really nice," Luke complimented me while we were waiting for our food. I smiled but I could feel my cheeks going red. "Uh thanks," I managed. I was wearing a teal crop top that was kind of frayed at the end, a pair of white flowy shorts and a pair of sandals. It was simple but I liked it and apparently Luke did as well.

"You look amazing as well," I tried to compliment him, but ended up stuttering. I could see his cheeks going red. "Thanks," he smiled awkwardly. It was some sort of relief that he was just as awkward as I was.

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