Chapter 12

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Ashton P.o.V

"Right so what you're saying is that I should go out with some other girl to take my mind off Jess?" I asked Michael and Calum.



"Going out with some other girl will take your mind off Jess,"

"Okay, but I don't feel the same about any other girl," I sighed. I just didn't see a way that I could get over Jess. I was just after explaining everthing I felt about Jess to Calum and Michael. They were now trying to help me but nothing they were saying made sense. The only reason I was trying to get advice or help from them was because there was nobody else. I mean these guys were basically my brothers but they knew nothing about girls or love. I pretty sure the had a total of about 2 girlfriends each in their lifes. I'm not saying I was any better, because I only ever had 1 girlfriend and I clearly had no clue what to do. I was basically forgetting everything Jess told me the other day about it getting better. This situation or whatever you want to call it was not getting better. I was falling for her more and more every day. While I was falling for her she was getting closer to Luke and nothing seemed right.

"I know you're trying to help, but nothing you're saying is making any sense to me at all. How is going out with a girl I have no felings for going to take my mind off Jess?" I confessed.

"I'm being honest," Calum laughed, "I have no idea how it will help, it's just an idea,"

"Yeah, I'm the same as Calum, I don't know how it will help," Michael laughed, "Maybe you will develop feelings for whoever she might be, or maybe being with her will distract you. Who knows? It's worth a shot,"

"Where do I find this mysterious girl?" I asked, air quoting "mysterious girl".

"Can't help you there,"

"You'll have to figure that out by yourself,"

Ughh, Of course they only had half a plan. "You're so much help," I said sarcastically.

"Tell us something we don't know," Calum responded just as sarcastically.

Now I just needed to put my feelings for Jess in a box and forget about them. She was still my best friend, that wasn't going to change. I was just going to have to pretend my feelings for her didn't exist. I was going to have to stop myself getting jealous everytime I saw her with Luke. I was going to make myself believe that nothing had changed; I didn't like her, she didn't like Luke and I wasn't jealous.

Then I remembered that Luke said he wouldn't ask her out if she meant that much to me. I know I  had told Jess I had no problem with them going out but I really couldn't see her asking him out.

I had to stop thinking about them and let myself enjoy things, like this tour and the zoo tomorrow and everything else we would get up over the next three weeks. "So what do you want to do now?" I asked Calum and Michael.

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