Chapter 42.

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2 months later 

Jess P.o.V

"So this is it," I sighed not wanting to have to say those words.

"Yeah I guess it is," Luke attempted to smile.

"Don't cry on me," I rushed to wrap my arms around him, "It'll be okay. I'll be home for a week in two months and you're going on tour so we wouldn't see each other anyway," I was trying to be optimistic but I really wanted to cry.

"But you could have come on tour with us. Ashton wanted you too," Luke choked, trying desperetely not to let his tear fall.

"I know, but college is more reasonable. I need to get on with life. You wanted me to go," I tried to laugh but it sounded like I was choking.

"I just didn't think about the whole not seeing you for two months," He sighed heavily his breath tickling the back of my neck, causing the hairs to stand up.

"We can call, and Skype," I continued trying to be positive, but we both knew I was failing miserably.

"That won't be the same as actually seeing you everyday," Luke continued to be brutally honest.

"We'll make it work. We've been through so much, there's no way we won't survive this," I addressed what we were both trying to avoid. The tears and sadness was more than the thought of missing each other. It was the thought of losing each other. There was a fear of forgetting each other. I was worried he would find some body better than me on tour. I knew he was afraid I would find some body better than him.

"But what if you find some one better than me?" Luke asked cautiously, speaking my thoughts.

"And where would I find better than you. I don't think it is humanly possible for me to find some body better than you. I'm never going to love to any body more than I love you," I attempted to reassure him, but I was worried he would find some body better than me.

"What if you find some one better than me?" I spoke quietly, breaking the silence.

"That's impossible . I love you way too much to ever replace you," He whispered.

I pulled him closer to me as the first tear fell from my watering eyes. We stopped talking, we stopped trying to comfort each other; it wasn't doing any good for us. Instead we held onto each other and let each other cry. There was nothing I could do to change the fact that I was going to miss Luke. There was nothing he could do to stop himself from missing me. There was no point in lying to each other. The best thing we could do was tightly embrace each other and enjoy those few minutes together before I would have to leave.

Two months could be a long time, or it could be a short time; it just depended on what you were missing or waiting for. Two months for me was going to be a really long time. It was going to be the first time I would ever be away from everbody I love. It would be two months without my mam, Luke and Ashton. I knew if was going to be difficult, but it was just another step in life. After two month I could home for a week and I would able to see everybody again. I tried to think with as much positivety as I possible could, knowing negativety would not work for me.

"JESS," My mother's shrill voice sounded through the house, "IT'S TIME TO GO," 

My heart felt as though it had dropped to the floor; I wasn't ready to leave Luke, nor was I ready to say goodbye to my mother.

I moved my head from Luke's shoulder and connected my lips with his. He kissed me back with more passion than ever before. 

"Now remember she doesn't know you're here, so when you hear the car pull out of the driveway climb out of the window and leave," I reminded Luke. My mother still hated Luke staying in the night. She would flip if she knew he had stayed that night, but I needed him. 

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