Chapter 31 (part 2).

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Jess P.o.V

Luke. That's who it was, that's who was running towards me, well not so much running towards but more running on the same  road as me. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't turn back because he had already seen me, and with the speed he was running he would surely catch up to me. I couldn't just run past him and pretend like I didn't know him. What I wanted to do was run towards him and jump straight into his arm. I wanted to apologise for ignoring him, I wanted to tell him that I knew he wasn't to blame. I wanted to tell him that I still loved but most of all I just wanted to talk to him as if nothing had happened.

But of course that's not what happened. I panicked and basically forgot how to think. My mind became clouded with worries and thoughts of what would happened. I stopped, I stopped moving completely and stood on the side of the road. I kept my eyes on Luke who kept his eyes on the road. He slowed down as he got nearer to me and worry boiled up inside of me like a pot of water in a saucepan. I didn't know what to expect. What would he say? What would I say? How would I react? What would happen?

Well, nothing that I expected actually happened, as he ran straight past me.

Sadness bubbled inside me, and before I could stop them tears were falling from my eyes followed by a strangled sob. I felt weaker in that moment than I had ever in my life. All his messages telling me how much he missed me, and how sorry he was, yet he still ran passed me as though I didn't exist. The tears continued to fall, the sobs continued to escape and before I knew it his name fell from my lips. It was just a whipser but it gave me confidence to say it again, louder this time. I turned around in the direction that he was after running. He was running really slow even slower than when he passed me. I called his name again, my voice sad and desperate but loud enough for him to hear.

Luke P.o.V

Her voice sounded strangled and upset and guilt shot through me like a bullet. I panicked when I saw her beautiful face running towards me. My heart skipped a beat and I didn't what to do. I hadn't planned on seeing her here. I didn't know what I was going to say, so I just turned into a coward and ran straight passed her.

Hearing her say my name gave me hope, maybe she didn't really hate my guts, maybe there was a wild chance that she would listen to me and know the truth. I stopped running and turned around to face her. I made no attempt to walk closer to her and she didn't move any closer to me.

"Jess," the familiar name rolled off my lips. I could see new tears forming in her eyes ready to fall over her already tear strained cheeks. She opened her mouth as though to speak but all that came out was a sob. My first instict was to wrap my arms around her, wipe the tears from her face and tell her that everything would be alright. My thoughts made me want to laugh in disgust at my self. I was causing those tears. Why would she want me to comfort her? 

She took a few steps bringing herself closer to me, not caring that we were on a road and that a car could come along at any moment.

"Luke," she shook her head and wiped the tears from her face. "I can't, not right now," she continued after a moment of silence. She was now in the middle of the road, but she didn't seem to care. "I want to hear what you have to say, but not right now. I need to get over the shock of seeing you first."

Her honesty shocked me, not that she had ever lied to me before. I just didn't think after what I done she would just be so honest. I was surprised that she was actually going to listen to me. It didn't surprise me however that she wasn't ready at that exact moment.

"Okay," I nodded, "I understand, but please promise you'll actually listen to me," I almost begged of her. "Yes, I promise I will," she didn't even look at me. I felt a ray of hope explode inside me, she was actually going to listen to me and I might actually have a chance to get Jess back.

She didn't move and neither did I. She stared at the ground with intense focus and I looked at her, taking in her imense beauty. Our conversation was over, we didn't speak another word, but still we didn't leave. I didn't want to leave. There was an undeniable tension that could have been cut with a knife but I didn't want to leave her. She still meant everything to me and even if she didn't want to talk to me, I wasn't going anywhere.

We stood in complete silence for minutes until I heard a buzzing. At first I thought it was a wasp, but it got louder. I looked around me for the source of the noise, wondering what it was. It kept getting louder and sounded as though it was coming closer to us. I turned to the left just in time to see a car coming at full speed towards Jess.


Double Update!! 

Again I'm sorry it's so short, but I hope two short chapters in one day is enough to make up for not updating in sooooooo long! x

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