Chapter 34

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Luke P.o.V

"Ashton," I exclaimed. "I wasn't expecting you," I scratched the back of my head.

"Well I wasn't planning on calling over," He started awkwardly, "But I was out for a walk and decided to call in. I just needed somebody to talk to," He blushed.

"I-I kinda, well Jess is already here," I stuttered, "But you can like talk to the two of us....... oh shit you're not..... you and Jess aren't talking," I was whispering by the end.

"I kinda have to talk to her as well, it might just be easier to talk to both of you now," He allowed him self into my room.

"Ash, what?" Jess looked beyond confused. "Luke, what the? Why is he here," She looked at me with a panicked expression. I walked over to her and put my hands on her shoulders.

"Your going to have to talk to him eventually, and better now than never. I didn't even know he was coming over to her," I explained to her, before kissing the top of her head. 

"So you're back together then?" Ashton asked, his voice painstricken. Both Jess and I nodded out heads slowly.

I sat down on the end of my and Jess sat back down on the seat. Ashton stood awkwardly in the middle of the room. When Jess saw he was still standing, she stood up from her seat and pointed to it. "You sure?" Ashton muttered. "Yeah," She tried to smile. He sat down and the chair and Jess sat on the floor. 

"I hate to turn up out of blue uninvited, but I kinda have to talk to you," Ashton looked at me, "And you," He looked at Jess. "I think I just got lucky that you're both here, it might make things easier," He analysed the situation.

He was silent for a short moment while he turned the chair to face me.

"Look Luke, both you and I know that the band is falling, falling at a rapid past. If we don't pick our shit up it will be ruined, and that can't happen. The band, the fans, the music, the songs, they all mean the world me and they mean the world to you. We can't just let it all die. If we weren't writing, nothing would be happening and I mean nothing," His voice was stressed. I knew he was right, oh he was so right and it was all our fault.

"Luke, we don't even have a reason for not talking. We both know that we both fucked up in more ways than one. Sure, what you let happen hurt me, but I'm over it and if we don't cop the fuck on, everything will be ruined," He was almost shouting out of anger at me, but himself as well.

"I know, I can see it right before my eyes that the band is falling and everything you said is right. I knew it before you said it, but wow hearing it from somebody else, I just realised how bad is," I was shouting now.

"Calum and Michael are really pissed off with us, you know?" Ashton sighed.

"Yeah, I know. We're idiots," I shook my head.

"What do you say, why don't we forget any of that crap happened?" Ashton smiled.

"Sure why not," I half laughed. "So that's everything sorted?"

"Well, not exactly," He turned to face Jess this time.

Jess P.o.V

"Well, not exactly," Ashton turned to face me. This was it. This was the moment that could horribly wrong, or brilliantly right. This was the moment that would decide if me and Ashton would ever be friends again. This was the first time I had talked to him in two weeks.

"Jess, life without you has been hell. It was one thing to have my girlfrined cheat on me with Luke who is basically my brother. It was another thing to not have any banding for two weeks. It was horrible not talking to Luke. But it was like going through hell and fire not talking to you. You are my fucking best friend. I know I was being a bastard, hell worse than that. I should have listened to you and believed you, it's not like you ever lied to me before that. I don't think you'll ever fully understand how sorry I am for what I did, but please Jess just know that I really am sorry. Whatever was going through my head as you ran out of the resteraunt, I don't know, but it definetely wasn't needing my best friend. I've been at my all time low the last two weeks, missing everything, especially you Jess," He stopped speaking, letting me take in everything he had just said. I took in every word, let the bad memory come to mind and let it go again.

 I stood up from the floor and walked over to Ashton. I took slow steps, not sure what I was going to say or do, but the moment I reached him I knew what to do. I hugged him and he hugged me back. "I suppose I can forgive you," I giggled.

"Yay friendship," Luke clapped like a little child, while getting up of his bed. 

Still hugging, Ashton and I waddle over towards Luke. I removed one arm from Ashton and wrapped it around Luke adding him to the hug.

"Promise me no matter how much shit we go through, we will always remain friends?" I smiled.

"We need Michael and Calum for this moment to be perfect," Ashton spoke up.

"He's right," Luke agreed, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

He called both Calum and Michael telling them there was a serious situation that was urgent. He sounded panicked, just so they would come over faster. We made light conversation while waiting for them, just talking about whatever came to mind. They arrived at the very same time, their heavy footsteps pounding against the gentle floor boards. They barged through the door, panicked expressions written upon their faces.

"What happene?" Calum panted, his cheeks slightly tinted pink from running.

"Oh nothing much really. We just all made up and now we're about promise something, but we needed you two to be here," Luke laughed.

"Exactly," Ashton laughed when he saw Michael's shocked exppresion.

"So what are we promising then?" Michael smiled.

"Group hug first," I yelled, pulling everybody in for a hug.

"Promise no matter how much shit we go through, we will always remain friends," I said for the second time that day.

"I promise," We all chorused. We pulled out of the hug, and interlocked our pinky fingers together. "We can be like two buttcheeks, no matter how much shit we go through, we will stay together," Michael smiled again obviously proud of himself.

"Mikey.... there's five of us," Calum said slowly.

"So?" Michael challenged.

"I like it Michael," I smiled at him.

"Thanks Jess," He ruffled my hair with his free hand.

We were like little children, with our pinky promises and choruses of "I promise." I let out a sigh of relief, as I dropped my pinky from our promise circle. I was so happy that everything was right again, and that I had all my friends back.

"Maybe buttcheeks will become our always," Ashton laughed.

"Buttcheeks?" Calum smiled.

"Butcheeks!" We all laughed.


I'm going to be honest. I cried while writing this chaoter, both from laughing and just me being emotional. I didn't even realise I had so many song/band references until after I wrote it!

Hope you enjoyed, please comment and vote! Ily x


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