Chapter 1.

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I stepped out of the car and walked up to the front door of Ashton's house. I took out my phone and rang him to tell him I was outside. Seconds later he was at the door. "Hey Jess," Ashton smiled. "Is it Hi or Hey," I laughed walking in the door. "So are you ready for a month of fun?" Ashton smiled as I thrown my suitcase on the bed in the spare room. "I sure am, but what about your tour?" I asked him. "Your coming with us of course" exclaimed Ashton as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I was so excited I actually screamed. I was going on tour with my best friend and his band. For the next hour me and Ashton talked about the tour. I was so excited. "So when are we leaving?" I asked curiously. "In a few days, and until then we're staying with the other boys at Luke's place," Ashton explained. I grabbed my phone, purse and suitcase from upstairs. I was walking down the stairs when Ashton grabbed the suitcase out my hand. "A little girl like you should never have to carry such a big suitcase like that," he exclaimed. I really loved when Ashton did those little things, they made me feel special. Ashton shuffed my suitcase into the back of the car before running inside to get his own suitcase. Once everything was loaded Ashton hopped into the driver seat of the car and took of driving at full speed. I loved how Ashton was so amazing to me and made me feel so special, but his driving actually scared the shit out of me. "Ash please slow down," I practically begged from the passenger seat. "Neeevvvvveeerrr," he smiled evily. I felt him look at me before hearing him say "Wow, your pale. Is my drving really that bad?" I honestly felt sick, so all I could manage was a quick nod in reply. He must have notice how worried I was beause he started to slow down.

After what felt like forever but was really only minutes Ashton pulled up outside Luke's house. Feeling much better now that we had stopped I got out of the car and went to grab my suitcase. "Remember what I said earlier," Ashton reminded me taking my suitcase from me. "You run along inside and I'll bring in the suitcases" he contiued. "Okely Dokely," I laughed running up to the door.

Ashton P.o.V

I watched her running up to the door and realised how much I loved her. Sure we had been best friends forever, but lately I've been feeling different around her. I get nervous when I see her and feel as if I'm not being nice enough to her. I don't get to it be honest, where were these feelings coming from. I had never wanted to be with someone as much as now. 

I heard the door open and watch her walk in happily. I quickely grabbed the suitcases and starting walking up the door. I made it to the door just before it closed it my faced. "Hi guys," I announced my arrival. "Sup Ash," Calum laughed, "Nice to see you made, we were beginning to think you weren't coming at all." "I was just telling Jess all about the tour that's all," I explained to Calum. "Well if you say so.." Calum winked at me before walking into the sitting room. I dropped the suitcases and followed Calum.

As I walked into the sitting room I saw Jess hugging Luke and suddendly a wave of jealousy swept over me. "Luke" I called out his name. "Oh hey Ash," Luke replied breaking his hug with Jess.

Jess P.o.V

"Hey guys," I announced my arrival as I walking into the sitting room. "Hi Jess" Luke, Calum and Michael chorused. They each pulled me into a welcoming hug. Just as I was hugging Luke Ashton walked in and interupted our hug. I have to say this annoyed me slightly. Luke was so gorgeous and his hugs were the best. I wish I could just stay in his arms forever. "Oh hey Ash," Luke replied to Ashton.

The boys said their hellos to Ashton and we all settled down to watch some T.V. I tried to sit next to Luke, because well he's Luke and he's probably the best looking person ever. Of course that didn't work because Ashton grabbed my arm pulling me onto the two seater sofa. I stared at Luke as he flicked through the chanells trying to find something to watch. He had such a concentrated look on his face as he tried to find something to watch and it was the cutest thing ever. I must have made my staring really obvious because soon enough I felt Michael's eyes on me and then I heard give a small cough and saw him nudge Calum with his elbow. I tried to act natural and starting looking at the T.V and saw that Luke had turned on How I Met Your Mother, which also happened to be my favourite show. After a few hours of How I Met Your Mother and Friends my stomach began to growl so loud that every one heard it.

"You hungry?" Luke laughed

"Just a small bit!" I laughed sarcastically.

"So am I, I'll go make something to eat!" Luke offered.

The words were barely out of Luke's mouth when Ashton piped in "I'll help as well!" Ashton jumped of the couch and ran to the kitchen following Luke. I could have sworn I saw Calum wink at Ashton as he ran out of the sitting room.

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