Chapter 29.

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Jess P.o.V

I slammed the door shut, and turned on heel from the sight that had broken my heart. Tears were falling down my face and I couldn't stop them. I picked up my pace and started running away from the bathroom, trying to get the image out of my head. I didn't know what do to or where to go, more tears fell from my eyes and I let out a sob. People started looking at me, but my heart was too sore to care. I was running towards the door, when I heard a familiar voice calling my name.

"Jess, Jess, what's wrong?" I heard Ashton's voice getting nearer to me. I was at the door when I felt his hand on my shoulder, I turned around to face the only person who could comfort me.

"B-b-bella and L-luke," I sobbed trying to explain what had happened.

"What about them?" He rushed looking worried.

"T-theyy w-were making out outside the bathroom," I tried to explain. He looked at me confused,

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Luke and Bella were kissing in the bathroom," I tried to rephrase myself, not understanding how he didn't understand.

"I don't understand," He shook his head

"What don't you understand," I raised my voice out of anger at Bella, Luke and at Ashton for not understanding.

"I just mean Bella would never do anything like that," he said.

"Are you actally serious Ashton," I shouted at him, still crying, "You don't believe what I'm telling you because your so whipped by Bella. Well you know what? Fuck you Ashton, I thought having a best friend meant they would always be there for you and always stand up for you but clearly not," I was causing a scene and knew it but I didn't care. I was so upset with everything that had just happened.

"Jess I-" He started.

"Ashton I really don't give a flying fuck what you have to say anymore. I just thought you cared," I screamed before running out of the resteraunt and onto the street. I ran around the corner before I completely broke down. I sat down on the side of the footpath and cried and cried and cried. Not only had the boy I loved cheated on me, but I had also lost my best friend.

In one night, in the space of ten minutes I had managed to loose two of the most important people to me. I stayed sitting and crying on the footpath for well over 15 minutes. Nobody came to find me, nobody came to explain themselves and nobody came to apologise. I didn't move, I didn't call anybody, I cried and cried and cried some fucking more. All I had was my phone, I had left my purse in the resteraunt. Knowing I couldn't stay on the side of the road forever I turned on my phone, scrolled through my contacts and found Michael's number. I pressed call and he answered on the second ring.

"Sup Jess," He laughed in a horrible American accent. I tried to laugh back, but it just came out as a sob. "Wait Jess, what's wrong why are you crying?" he asked.

"I-I can't explain right now, but can you collect me around the corner from that stupid fucking thai resteraunt," I sighed, trying to stop the tears falling from my eyes.

"Yeah sure no problem, I'll bring Cal aswell," He said before hanging up. I put my phone down and pulled my knees closer to my body trying to keep myself warm. I sat down hugging myself and crying for about ten minutes until I heard a rough engine crawl around the car. The engine cut to a stop and the door flew open. Calum got out of the car and ran over to me, closley followed by Michael. They both sat down beside me, taking in my horrible state. My eyes were red from crying and there was black mascara all over face.

"Jess what happened?" Calum asked after a few minutes.

"L-lu-Luke c-ch," I started but couldn't finish because of the tears still streaming down my face.

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