Chapter 27.

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Jess P.o.V

"Let's go," Luke locked arms with mine and lead me to the car. "We're going our coffee shop first, then we're going  to a resteraunt and writing our names on the tree in front ofthe resteraunt," he explained to me. I noticed how he had said "our" coffee shop, and I immediately felt guilty for sharing it with Ashton.

"Our coffe shop," I smiled.

"One of our special places just like the waterfall."

We went to the coffee shop and sat down in our seat in the back corner. We didn't go there because we wanted tea or coffee or food, we went there because it was one of our special places. A place that for some reason held a special place in our hearts. A place for the two of us. 

We ordered the same coffees as the previous time, and took out time to drink them just happy to be around each other.

"I love you Jess," Luke kissed the top of my head as we payed.

"I love you Luke."

We got back into the car and Luke drove to the resteraunt. He refused to tell the name of the resteraunt, only saying he knew I would love it; and like every other time he was right. We arrived at the resteraunt car park and I looked up at the sign above the door.


My favourite resteraunt ever. They had the nicest food I had ever tasted. The best pizza, the best bolognese, the best carbonara, the best Italian food.

"Luke, this is best resteraunt ever," I squeeled.

"I know," He laughed, then he pointed to a tree just in front of Milano's, "See that tree. That's where we're writing our names." He picked up a sharp stone from the ground, took my hand and we walked across the road. We looked at the tree and tried to find the perfect place to put our names. We wanted it to be big, so that if anybody looked at the tree they would be able to read it. We also wanted it to be in a visible place so that everytime we came here we would be able to see our names straight away, with just one glance at the tree. 

We chose a spot just under where the first branches started. I took the stone from his hand and wrote Luke, I then drew a small vertical line underneath his name. I have the stone to Luke. He drew a small horizontal line through my vertical line, making a plus sign. Under the plus sign he wrote my name. To finish it off he drew half a heart before giving me the stone to finsih the heart. My half of the heart didn't properly match his half, but it showed that even though we were different we could still love each other. It was definetely cheesy, but really cute and I loved it.

When we had finished Luke threw the stone on the ground and pulled me closer to him. I gazed into his eyes, never getting over the beauty of them. They were such a unique shade of blue. I leaned into him and pressed my lips against his, still staring into his blue eyes. Our lips moved in sync until I could feel Luke's tongue tracing along my lower lip, asking for entrance. 

We forgot about everything around us, we forgot about the people passing on the street, we forgot about the resteraunt, we didn't care what people thought of us. We were too lost in each other to care. "I love you Luke," I smiled as we pulled away from each other. "I love you Jess."

We walked hand in hand into the resteraunt and we were given a table and menus. The resteraunt looked amazing. The big central lights were off but the small lights in the corners of the ceiling were on, letting of an orangey glow. There was also two small candles in a jar on each table, which also added to the beauty of the place.

"Can I get the carbonara with a side of garlic bread and chips and water to drink please," I smiled at the waiter.

"And can I get the spaghetti bolognese with garlic bread and 7-up to drink please," Luke asked the waiter. The waiter wrote our orders down.

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