Chapter 16.

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Jess P.o.V

Shows. Hotels. Bus. Eating. Sleeping. This is basically what the tour was like. The boys would perform their show. We would stay in a hotel. We would be back on the bus. We would eat and sleep. We were now finished with the Australian part of the tour and we were flying over to New Zealand. There was only two shows in New Zealand and then we could go back home to Sydney. Don't get be wrong, this tour was one of the most amazing things ever, but I did miss home. I had never been away from home for so long, so it was strange to me, but I really was enjoying it.

Luke and I had gone out to someplace in every city we had been to. In Perth we went out to dinner at a fancy resteraunt. In Darwin we went to the beach and a water park. In Brisbane we went bowling. I was still thinking about what Michael had asked me about Luke and I. What were we? I mean we were more than friends, I was sure of that. We had gone out on several dates, but that was it. He hadn't asked me to be his girlfriend, but I felt as if we were a couple. I wanted to ask him, but I was nervous for some reason. I was over thinking and I knew it. It had only been two weeks since he had asked me out first, I was just going to have to wait and see what would happen.

"We should do a twitcam," Calum suggested. Ashton, Michael and Luke all agreed. They asked me did I want to join in. I accepted but not thinking about the consequences. I had been seen with the lads a few times on this tour, but it had always been as a group. I hadn't been seen alone with any of them and that's how we wanted it to be.  The fans would go mad if they knew I was kind of with Luke. 

Calum set up his laptop and tweeted out the link for the LiveStream. Of course nearly all the questions were about me.

Who is that girls?

Is she dating one of you?

What's her name?

Why is she there?

Who's girlfriend is she?

"Everytime we're seen with a girl, we're suddendly married with three kids and three legged dog named Scrappy," Michael laughed. Ashton slapped his arm. "Hey, don't be so rude,"

"I'm sorry," Michael apologised, "I still love you guys," He tried to huug the laptop screen.

"And for those of you wondering," Calum started, "This is..... drum roll please," he pointed to Ashton. Ashton picked up his drum sticks and starting hitting the table in front of us. "JESS," Calum shouted. I felt extremely awkward, I didn't know what to say. Ashton spoke up. "Some of you probably already know who Jess is. She's been in a few keeks and I think she's been in the background of some LiveStreams," Ashton explained who she was. More questions came in.

Why is she in your hotel room?

Why have I seen her in different cities with you guys?

Is she on tour with you?

"Yup, Jess is on tour with us," Luke answered all the  questions.

"and before you ask," Calum asked holding his hand up, "She is Me, Calum and Ashton bestest friend in the whole wide world," He gave me a hug making sure to squeeze me too tight. When hefinished hugging me he continued, "And she's Luke's uh," Calum looked at Luke and I. I was blushing and I knew it. I loked at Luke and his cheeks were also going red. "We're dating," Luke managed. "Unofficial girlfriend," Michael piped in.

After that awkwardness the Livestream continued. They answered some more fan questions, did some weird stuff and just tried to keep the fans entertained for an hour. I just sat there being an awkward log like usual. After the livestream we got pizza and garlic bread to eat and it was delicious. I went back to my hotel room early enough, because we had to be at the airport for 7 o'clock the next morning. I was not looking forward to it. I hated early mornings and I hated flying so tomorow was going to be horrible. I was grateful that we were leaving from Sydney and landing in Auckland; it was one of the shortest flights from Australia to New Zealand.

I was lying on my bed in my pyjamas, when I heard a knock on the door. "Coming," I shouted as I put on a jumper. I opened the door to reveal Luke standing there. "Hi," he half smiled. His half smile was one of the cutest things ever and it always distracted me when he did it. "Hi Luke," I smiled back, "Is everything okay?" I asked. It was unlike any of the guys to come over to my hotel room, I usually just went over to theirs. "Yeah, I just want to talk to you," He scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah, sure," I responded.His words made me really nervous.  We walked over to the sofa. "What's up" I asked. I noticed he was keeping one hand behind his back the entire time. "Well like Michael said you're my unofficial girlfriend, but I want to change that." He moved his hand from behind his back and held out a rose. "Jess would you like to be my official girlfriend?" He asked then bit his lip. I took the rose from his out stretched hand. "Of course Luke," I smiled. He smiled back before pulling me into a big hug, which quickely turned into a makeout session. I loved the feel off his lips on mine, and his arms wrapped around my waist. Soon enough I could feel his tongue on my bottom lip asking for entrance to my mouth, which I easily granted. I just loved the way I felt in his arms.


"Are you sure you want to?" He asked.

"Yup," I nodded.

We were currently at the airport and I was dreading the flight. Ashton knew how much I hated flying. He was after offering to get a taxi to bring me back home and not go to New Zealand. It was really kind of him and as much as I didn't want to get on the plane, I wanted to go to New Zealand. I had never flown across seas before. The longest flight I had ever been on was from Sydney to Perth. I had always wanted to go to New Zealand, it seemed really nice and it wasn't to far from Australia. The flight was arounfd3 hours, which was shorter than from Sydney to Perth. Even though the flight was fairly short I was still nervous. Thw whole thing of being in a aeroplane so high in the sky with the possibilty of crashing or falling scared me.

"Are you sure? You look really pale, I could just call a taxi and you could go back home, or to my place?" Ashton was worried about me.

"No, it's okay really. I want to go to New Zealand. It's only three hours. I'll try sleep or watch a movie or something," I reassured him.

"Okay then," he smiled.

We continued to walk through the airport, collected our bags and eventually got onto the plane. I sat at the window seat beside Luke. I hated sitting there waiting to take off, it annoyed me because I just wanted to get off the plane as soon as I could. I felt Luke squeeze my hand. "It'll be okay babe," He assured me kissing the top of my head.

"Eww PDA," Calum squeeled like a little girl.

"Oh shut up,"  Luke laughed, "Don't make fun off us just because you don't have a girlfriend,"

"Hurtful," Calum pretended to be hurt by Luke's words. He put his hand on his heart and faked being sad.

"Aww is the poor baby going to cry now," Luke teased him.

"Nope," Calum said in his best impression of a little child. 

Calum and Luke joking around distracted me and I barely even noticed when we took off. We were in the air about half an hour and Luke was still holding my hand. We didn't really talk much because I was too tired and just trying to sleep. My attempts at sleeping were not working. I could find a comfortable position to sleep in and it was stressing me out, because I was really tired and couldn't sleep. Eventually after what felt like forever, I fell asleep on Luke's shoulder.

I woke up to Luke tapping me on the shoulder. "Jess we're just about to land."

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