Chapter 33.

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Luke P.o.V

"Just try not hate me more than you already do," I whispered and started tellling her what had happened. I told her everything, every little detail. I saw her cringe, I saw the tears in her eyes. I wanted to stop or at least not add in every detail, but I owed it to her. She needed to know the truth, even if it was horrible. I told her what the kisses with Bella felt like, I told her how horrible I felt, right down to the very last tear.

"You probably hate my fucking guts right now, but please don't leave," I breathed.

"Luke I-I," She started but turned her head away from me.

"I'm such a bitch. I don't know whether or not to believe you, even though you can't be lying. And- and just ugh. I've been so horrible ignoring you, and I've ruined everything," she was sobbing at this stage.

I didn't know what to do. I didn't how she really felt. Did she still hat me? Did she forgive me? I didn't know. 

I stood up, walked over to Jess and without a second thought I wrapped my arms around her. Much to my surpirse she didn't try to move away or even flinch and everything felt perfect.

Jess P.o.V

That familiar happiness, that familiar safety, that familiar feeling that only he brought to me. The familiar arms, the familiar scent, the familiar strength that only belonged to him. 

With his arms wrapped around me everything felt perfect. I knew it couldn't stay like that forever, one of us would have to speak and break the perfect silence.

"I don't know what you're feeling. Whether you hate me, or forgive me, or don't how to feel. And I know this isn't going to help but you have to know that I still love you," He whispered.

I was about to reply, when I felt a sheet in my pocket. The lyrics. Just when everything was going alright, something had to ruin it.

"Explain this," I tried to not sound rude, but it was hard. He took the sheet from me, removing his arms from me.

"Jess, I never wrote this, Ashton did," He shook his head after reading the sheet.

"But Calum told me," I started, but Luke interupted me.

"Jess, I didn't write those lyrics. If you're going to believe anything I have told you today, please believe me that I never wrote those lyrics, it was Ashton," He begged.

Despite how awkward the entire situation was I didn't once think of leaving. Nothing compares to the safety I felt with Luke, even when I didn't know how to feel about him.

There was a voice in the back of my head telling me to beleive him. Telling me to forgive him. Telling me that he wouldn't lie about such a thing. I knew that voice was right. I knew I had to believe him. I knew I had to forgive him. The only problem was saying it. I didn't know how to say it or what to say. Words had always been my downfall. I could only express myself through actions. My actions always speak louder than words. I decided to use this to my advantage. I stood up, and turned around. I looked up at Luke's face before hugging him. I pulled him tight against me and buried my head in his chest.

"Do you forgive me?" He asked, resting his chin on my head.

"Yes Luke, I do," I smiled even though he couldn't see my face.

I could feel happiness inside every cell, every bone, every muscle and every organ.  I knew we hadn't completely fixed everything, but I was going to freeze that moment for as long as I could.

Luke P.o.V

She stood up of the chair and I was afraid she was going to leave, but instead she turned around and hugged me, burying her head in my chest. I hugged her back, and rest my chin on the top of head, just like I used to always do.

"Do you forgive me," I asked shyly, not wanting to ruin the moment.

"Yes Luke, I do," I could feel her smiled against me. The moment felt perfect, it was perfect. I had Jess back, even if we hadn't sorted everything, I had her back and I would do everything I had not to lose her again.

"Forget the last two weeks, you do know that I will always be there for you. No matter what" I whispered, meaning every word of it.

"I'm so sorry for ever doubting you. I was so stupid for not listening to you. It would have saved us from so much heartbreak. I really am so sorry," she cried into my chest.

"Ssh, sshh, Jess it's okay. We're over it, and it was me who screwed up the most. I promise to never hurt like that again," I tried to calm her down.

"We both screwed up. Okay?" She looked up at me.

"Okay," I smiled, running my hands through her hair. And that was the end of the conversation. We stayed wrapped in each others arms for ages, only moving when there was a knock on the door.

"One second," I shouted. I took my arms from Jess' back and moved to open the door. 


Sweet lemonade, I owe you a really long chapter. It's been ages since I wrote a long chapter. I'm sorry. I'll try make the chapter super long.

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