Chapter 6.

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Jess P.o.V

I got out of the shower and quickely got dressed before walking back into the room me and Ashton had shared the previous night. I pulled my hair dryer and out of my bag and dried my hair. After it was dried I felt like doing something a bit different to usual. I decided to give my hair a light curl. I never really curled my hair but I wanted it to look nice for a change. I carefully took my curler out of my bag and plugged it in. While waiting for it to heat up I looked for the right pair of shoes to go with my outfit. I was wearing a black Nirvana t-shirt with a pair of white-washed skinny jeans. I decided to go with my black converse. I pulled on the shoes and quickely tied the laces.

I checked to see was the curling iron heated up and started to curl my hair. It took me just over 5 minutes to do my hair. I only wanted a light curl and my hair hair was very fine anyways. I took a look in the mirror to see if I looked okay. I was pretty happy with how I looked. I had never really cared to much about my looks, but right now I felt very conscious of my self. Maybe it was because I really liked Luke, I couldn't think of any other reason. I pushed my thoughts to the back of my head and skipped down the stairs.

"So, what's on the agenda for todayyyy," I asked stretching out the last word.

"Nothing much, Luke and I are going to get a few last minute supplies for tour, but that's really it," Ashton responded.

To be honest as much as I wanted to get to know Luke, shopping for supplies sounded pretty boring. I decided to find out what Calum and Michael were doing for the day. 

"What about you guys," I turned to face Calum and Michael.

"We're just staying at home, we'll probably watch some movies or t.v. Nothing to extreme," Calum replied.

"I think I'll just stay here, I'm not in the mood for shopping," I explained to the lads. I really just wanted to sit down and do nothing.

"Well we're off, we'll be back in a few hours," Ashton announced while getting the keys to his car.

"A few hours?" I blurted out, "How long does it take to pick up a few supplies," 

"Well, we're going into Woolsworth and thats a good half an hour drive. We have to go to Target aswell," Luke explained as they walked out the door.

Once Luke and Ashton were gone, Calum, Michael and I made our way into the sitting room. I plopped down on single sofa and Calum and Michael sat on the 3 people sofa. "So, what are we gonna watch?" I asked them.

"I was thinking of playing truth or dare before we watch anything," suggested Michael.

"Okay, I love truth or dare," I exclaimed!

"Truth or Dare Jess?" Calum asked.

"Truth," I answered almost immediately. I never picked dare. I always stuck with truth, most people called me a pussy for always picking truth, but I just never felt like doing dares.

"Who do you like?" Michael asked, giving the question no thought what so ever. 

I regretted playing truth or dare the second the question left his lips. I couldn't tell them who I liked, I knew that if I told them, they would tell Luke that I liked him. I wanted Luke to know that I liked him, but at the same time there was a chance he wouldn't like me back, then everything would be ruined. UUgghhh! It was so confusing. I wanted to just get to know Luke as a friend then maybe ask him out, but whatever way it happened there was a chance he wouldn't like me back.

"We're waiting," Calum interupted my thoughts. 

"You can't hide forever," Michael joined in.

"I don't know if I can trust you," I joked.

"What's the worst we can do?" Michael questioned.

I suppose he had a point. The worst they could do is tell Luke and if Luke didn't like me back then there wouldn't be all that awkwardness of him rejecting me. I decided that I would tell Calum and Michael.

"Okay okay, I'll tell you," I started slowly, "I like Luke," I could feel my cheeks go deep red.

Calum and Michael looked at eachother and smiled.

"Oh, we thought you liked Ash," stated Calum.

"Really?" I asked, honestly very surprised.

"Well yeah, you're always with him and you always look so happy when together. It's like you know everything about each other and you can read each other's minds or something," Calum explained.

"I mean we've been best friends since I was 4 and he was 5. We do know everything about each other and he makes me happy. All that is beacause we're best friends. We will always be there for each other. I will never like him in that way," I explained to the two boys. 


Sorry that was so fricking short.

Sorry if any of those shops arent actually in Australia but I'm not from Australia so I don't know! Sorryyy!! I'm not sure if I'm going to continue this anymore because I don't really know where it is going! *awkward* 

Anyway please vote and comment if your enjoying. Hopefully I will come up with some ideas and be able to continue with longer chapters. My current chapters are really short! Sorry again!!!

Thank you if you've read up to here!!

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