Chapter 2.

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Jess P.O.V

The food turned out to be pizza, but trust me I'm not complaining.

"Woah slow down there tiger," laughed Michael as I starting eating my fourth slice.

"Sorry I'm hungry," I whined while failing to make a puppy dog face.

"A girls who eats is a girl for life," Luke joined into the conversation.

OMG. My heart felt like it was about to jump out of my chest, did Luke really just say that?

"Yeah, I love a girl who eats," Ashton laughed.

"Eating is the bomb," Calum joined into the conversation.

Well this was interesting we were talking about how amazing eating was.

"Exactly, eating is the best. It cures all," I laughed agreeing with Calum.

We stayed talking about how amazing food was for the next few minutes until we had finished all 4 pizzas.

"Aaahhh, I'm stuffed," I stated leaning back on my chair.

"Well after an entire pizza I can't blame you!" replied Luke jokingly.

Sitting there at the table with boys I realised how little I actually knew about them. I mean I saw them every week, but I still knew nothing much about them and lets face it I was dying to know everything about Luke.

"Hey, let's play twenty questions. I need to get to know you if I'm going on tour with you," I said excitedly.

"Yeeessss! Lets go play in Luke's room," Michael almost screamed.

"Woo! Let's do this!" I screamed back, before running up the stairs to find Luke's room.

Ashton P.o.V

Jess pushed her chair back and ran out of the room. I could hear her footsteps as she sprinted up the stairs. This was a bad idea. 20 questions always went wrong and some one always ened up upset. I didn't want the boys to ask her any personal questions or questions that would upset her. I mean nothing to extreme had ever really happened to Jess, but she was pretty upset after her last break up. The stupid bastard really hurt her. There was also the fact that her father left when she was really young and never even tried to contact her but other than that nothing much fased her. I just didn't want the boys to get to know her very well, because I was afraid one of them would get her first. I needed her to be mine, but I was to scared to ask her out.

I must have been in deep thought because by the time I snapped back to reality all the boys had left the room. I quickely ran up the stairs to Luke's room, hoping they hadn't started without me.

"Where were you?" Jess asked as I walked into Luke's room

"Uh- bathroom" I answered.

"Oh okay are you ready to play?" she asked.

"Sure am," I laughed a bit to excitedly. I was tying to mask the fact I didn't want to play.

"Yaayy! I'm going first!" She clapped excitedly.

"Full names?" she asked all the boys

"Luke Robert Hemmings"

"Michael Gordon Clifford"

"Calum Thomas Hood" They all answered.

Maybe the game wasn't going to be to bad as long as the question stayed PG.

"Birthdays" Jess continued asking questions.

"November 20th" Michael replied

"January 25th" Calum answered

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