Chapter 9.

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Jess P.o.V

As much as I hated to admit it, Calum and Michael were right. I needed to talk to Ashton. It wasn't like we could just ignore this. His feelings about me had changed, but I still felt the same about him. If I didn't know he liked me things wouldn't have changed.

But I did know; and he knew that I knew. The conversation where I would have to reject him was inevitable. It was going to have to happen sooner or later, and like Michael had said, it was better to talk to him before we left for the tour tomorrow. Deciding that there was no better moment than the present I started walking up the stairs.

When I reached the room that I knew Ashton and Luke were in, I slowly knocked on the door. I didn't want to have to talk things through with Ashton. I didn't want to hurt him more than I already had. I wanted to be a little kid again where nothing mattered; you didn't have to worry about boys or your crush liking some body who wasn't you or in my case your best friend liking you when you liked one of his best friends. Being a kid was so much easier. 

"It's Jess," I said on the fourth knock of the door. Still no response. "You can't ignore me," I turned down the handle of the door hoping it wouldn't be locked. I was lucky: the door wasn't locked. Luke was sitting on the floor and Ashton was sitting on a chair in the corner of the room. They weren't talking just sitting there looking at me. "Hi," I started slowly.

"I'll leave you two to talk," Luke stood up and walked towards the door obviously noticing the tension.

"Calum and Michael told me," I started, "I know you like me and I'm sorry,"

"Why are you apologising? You didn't do anything wrong," Ashton looked confused.

"I'm sorry for liking Luke and not liking you and for telling Calum and Michael I like Luke and I'm sorry for everything really. I shouldn't have told Calum and Michael that I liked Luke," I tried to explain.

"Me liking you more than a friend or best friend shouldn't change anything. I know you don't like me back and that you like Luke, but we can't let that ruin our friendship. We've been best friends for almost 14 years, my feelings chaging can't ruin that Jess," I interupted him by hugging him.

"I mighn't like you in the way you like me, but I need you. I need you in my life Ash and I don't want to ruin our friendship. Even if I did like you back and we dated, what would do if it didn't work out. Would we ever be able to go back to what we have now?" I choked confessing everything. Even if I didn't like Ashton in the way I liked Luke, I needed him. I couldn't be without him. He was always there for me. When something was wrong he would always fix it for me.

"You really feel that way?" He asked wiping the tears I didn't even know were there from my cheeks, "It's okay don't cry,"

"Yes Ash, I need you. Your always there for me when nobody else is! I don't want to hurt you by liking Luke. I know it hurts when the person you like likes some one else, but it will work out and I'll always be your best friend" I swallowed back my tears

"Well Jess. I need you as well! I know you can't help your feelings for Luke and as much I want to be with you, I would rather you be happy with Luke than upset because I'm stopping you from being with him. Even if your not dating me your still going to be there for me and I'll be there for you." He smiled at me.

"Thank you so much for understanding," I pulled him back into another hug. I was so happy he understood. He would be happy for me if I was with Luke and nothing had changed between us.

"As long as we're always there for each other, I don't care what happens," He hugged me back, "Now get rid of those tears and we can go back down stairs and hopefully order some food because I'm starving"

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