Chapter 38.

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To Jessy Boo <3: Do you want to come to a party tonight?:)

To Lukey Pookey<3: No!

To Jessy Boo: Please? It'll be fun!

To Lukey Pookey: I don't want to go:(

To Jessy Boo<3: Why not? Please come, I need you.

To Lukey Pookey<3: You'll be okay for one night without me.

To Jessy Boo<3: Buttttt Jesssss you have to come. Ashton, Michael, Lauren and Ciara will be there. It's at Calum's!:)

To Lukey Pookey: Buttttt Lukeeeee.... I'm not going!

Jess P.o.V

It was crazy how stubborn he was being about the party. I didn't want to go. I simply wasn't in the mood for partying. I wanted to go to bed, watch Netflix, eat ice-cream and sleep. Partying just didn't sound appealing. 

My phone vibrated against my arm and I sighed.

From Lukey Pookey<3: Pleeeeaaassseeeeeeeeeee?????? If you don't say yes, I'm coming over to your house and dragging you to the party!

To Lukey Pookey<3: Stop being so stubborn. I DO NOT WANT TO GO!!!!!

I attempted to stab my pasta, but out of pure frustration I pissed the piece and it went flying acroos the kitchen floor. It landed under the cabinet, perfectly out of my reach. I ignored it and just left it there with everything else that had ever ended up the ancient cabinet.

I was annoyed with Luke for being so stubborn about the party. He just couldn't accept the fact that I didn't want to go. It was too much effort to find something to wear, do my hair, do my make up and talk to people for the night.

My phone vibrated again.

From Lukey Pookey<3: Fine so, don't go.

To Lukey Pookey<3: I won't!

Ever since he had stayed over and my mam had found us together, there had been a tension between us. The first time I saw him after calling, he seemd to have turned a cold shoulder to me. Our conversations weren't as long, we fought more, we were both more stubborn and couldn't agree on anything. People told us were just out of the honeymoon stage, and of course we weren't going to agree on everything. They were all wrong though. 

We had been going out to long, not including the two weeks we were apart, to just be leaving the honeymoon stage. We disagreed on more than we agreed on. I hated to admit it but something didn't feel right.


I stirred my 7-up around with the straw I had been drinking from, and turned off the music that had been blaring from my phone. There was a faint squeeking coming from the back of the kitchen, but I didn't know what it was. I thought it was a broken pipe, until a mouse ran out from under the cupboard. I screamed as loud as I could hoping to scare it off but it just ran across the floor as though I didn't exist. I hopped up onto a chair and took out my phone to call Ashton.

For as long I can remember I was scared of mice and rats, and if there was one in the house I needed to get somebody to remove it. I had an unusual fear of one crawling up my leg, it was ridiculous, but none the less it scared me.

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