Chapter 5.

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Ashton P.o.V

"Where the hell is Luke, did he fall down the toilet or something?" laughed Michael.

Luke had left almost 10 minutes ago. How long did it take to turn on a shower, like really? All he had to do was flick a switch, it wasn't like he had a complicated shower or anything. It was annoying me, I wanted to know what he was up to.

"I'll go see where he is," I announced standing up. Curiousity and even though I hate to admit it jealousy had got the  better of me and I wanted to see where he was.

I was just heading up the stairs when he started coming down the stairs. "What's up?," asked Luke

"Nothing much. We had just thought you fell down the toilet or something," I laughed.

"Ah no, I was just talking to Jess and apologising for making her uncomfortable last night," Luke admitted.

"Thanks," I thanked him.

"I owed it to her. Any ways I have to tell you something,"  He said slowly.

That reminded me that I had to tell all of them that I liked Jess.

"Do you just have to tell me or the other boys aswell, because I have something to tell all of ye," I admitted.

"Well I told the other boys last night when you were asleep with Jess, but I can just tell you at the table with the others while Jess is in the shower," Luke offered.

"Let's go," I laughed running into the dining room like a little child.

"I found him, his head was stuck down the toilet, " I joked walking into the room, with Luke following behind.

"Ah Luke how did you manage that, I thought you were a big boy now," laughed Calum.

"Tough times, very tough times," laughed Luke.

We just laughed at nothing for the next few minutes, but remebering that Jess would soon be out of the shower sobered me up a small bit.

"Okay guys, I really need to tell you something," I announced trying to stop my laughter.

They must have noticed that I wasn't laughing anymore because all of them stopped laughing. Calum gave me a serious look. 

"What's up Ash," he asked.

"Well it's just that I um I really like uum," I was so nervous for some reasons. I mean this guys were basically my brothers, why couldn't I get the words out.

"You really like what?" Luke asked really confused.

"I really, I mean really like Jess," I blurted out.

I looked up at them. Luke's expression was completely unreadable. Calum was just smiling at me but then he looked at Luke and frowned. I looked at Michael and he just shouted, "HA, I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT. BOOM! I KNEW IT," 

"Calm down Mikey," I laughed. It felt like a big weight had been lifted of my shoulders, but then I looked at Luke and he looked sad? I couldn't really read his expression, but it looked more sad than any thing else.

"Luke, are you okay," I asked really worried about him.

"Well it's just that the thing I had to tell you was that I really like Jess, but you like her and well yeah," he said awkwardly looking down at his hands.

Oh, well this was disasterous. I had just admitted to liking my best friend, but it turned out that my band mate/brother/another best friend liked her aswell. Now what. I couldn't be mad at Luke, it wasn't his fault that we really liked the girl.

I looked up at Calum and Michael for support but they were just staring at the two of us completely clueless.

"What now?," I words just slipped out of my mouth.

"Well it's up to Jess isn't it, she mighn't even like either of us," Luke said wisely.

"I suppose, but how do we find out if she likes either of us?," I let my thoughts come out of my mouth.

I let us all think about my question, but then it came to me. I looked up from the table and gave a knowing smile to Calum and Michael. "The two of you are going to find out who she likes for us," I told them.

The two of them looked completely taken aback.

"How can we help. None of us are any good with girls. What can we do?" Michael asked completely shocked.

"I haven't thought that far ahead,!" I laughed.

"What if you played Truth or Dare or another round of 20 questions," Luke suggested clearly eager to find out who Jess liked.

"Okay well we played 20 questions last night so I doubt she'll want to play that again. Truth or Dare might work but only if she picks truth," Calum over analysed the situation.

"I'd say truth or dare would work, She usually picks truth when I play it with her!" I informed them.

"Well that's how we will try to find out who she likes, but when will we play it. We're going on tour tomorrow and we'll always be together, it's not like we can play when Luke and Ash are around?." I asked Michael.

"We need to know before tour," Luke blurted out.

"Well some ones keen to know," Laughed Calum.

"I just want to know," Luke defended himself.

"Same here," I agreed with Luke, "The only thing is we're all together tonight so how can they play without us?"

"We could pretend to go shopping for last minute tour suplies and they could play Truth or Dare while we're gone," Luke suggested.

I honestly felt like such a detective but at the same time I really wanted to know who Jess liked and so far our little plan seemed like a good idea.

"Sure , I can't think of any thing better and it should work. Let's do this shit!," I kinda shouted.

I wave of relief rushed over me. We were going to find out who Jess liked and see if any of us had a chance with us

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