Chapter 19.

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Ashton P.o.V

The next week went by really quick, almost too quick. I had gone on a few dates with Bella and I spent the rest of the week at home with Jess. 

Bella was really great and I loved hanging out with her, but she was going back to Melbourne soon and she still hadn't made up her mind on whether or not she was going to move back to Sydney. I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't miss her when she went  back to Melbourne. I was really hoping she would decide to move Sydney, it would be great if we could live near each other. It would be easier to hang out with her and we could talk face to face rather than through a phone. I just wanted things to work out between us.

"But they can't" The voice in the back of my head reminded me. I knew the voice was right, I just didn't want to believe it. Jess and Bella still hated each other. I thought when Bella first arrived they were getting on just fine but when they came back from the kitchen there was an obvious tension between them. Jess left soon after and went to Luke's and didn't come back until the middle of the next day. Everytime I mentioned Bella to Jess she would stiffen ever so slightly and you could see in her eyes that it wasn't something she wanted to talk about.

Every time I was going to go somewhere with Bella I had to pick her up from her hotel because I couldn't let her in the house while Jess was there.

I knew I couldn't ask Bella to be my girlfriend, even if she basically was already. It just wouldn't work, even if Jess didn't mind it would be one hell of a job to keep them apart. I needed to find a way to make it work. I really liked Bella but at the same time I wasn't willing to give up my best friend; the girl who was always there for me when nobody else was.


"You do know I'll miss you," I sighed as I hugged Bella.

"I'll miss you as well Ash."

Bella was leaving for Melbourne. The drive from Sydney to Melbourne was so long that she needed to leave early in the morning so she would be home before it was dark.

"Have you made up your mind about whether or not you're going to move back here?" I asked.

"I'll talk to my parents, but I think I will move back," She smiled, "but you have to come visit it me in Melbourne soon,"

"Of course I will, next time I'm not busy with the band," I promised her. 

"Thank you," she smiled again, "I really have to go now."

I nodded, kissed the top of her head, and hugged her again. "Okay and please drive save," I warned her. 

"I will," she walked out the door and into her car and drove off.

I didn't spend every minutes Bella was here with her, but I was going to miss having her around. She might only have been here for a week, but we definetely grew a lot closer in that week. I still didn't know if it was that was a good or bad thing, but I had decided to just go with the flow. Whatever would happen was going to happen and I wasn't going to change that. 

I closed the front door as her car disappeared around the corner and walked back inside.

I've heard fans talk about Post Concert Depression and I've experienced it myself, but there is also Post Touring Depression.

With Jess' mam coming home soon and Bella gone back to Melbourne, I knew post touring depression would kick in. I missed being on a bus with my friends, I missed seeing the fans  almost everyday and I missed performing two - three shows a week. Touring over all was just amazing, and I always miss it when it's over.

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