Chapter 3.

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Jess P.o.V

I knew Ashton wasn't really sick but he had been very queit while we were playing 20 questions, and when Ashton's queit somethings wrong. I knew I couldn't ask the boys because they all thought he was sick. Ugh! I needed to find out what was wrong. I stood up and headed for the door. "I'm going to check on Ash, to make sure he's okay," I stated backing out of the room. After leaving I realised I didn't know where he was sleeping, I decided to check all the rooms. I got lucky he was in the room beside Luke's so I didn't have to do much looking. 

"Hey Ash," I greeted him walking in the door. He was already in bed and looked asleep.

"Oh Hi Jess," he replied tiredly.

"How're you?" I  asked trying to find out what was wrong.

"I'm good, just pretending to be sick," he half laughed.

"Ash, don't lie to me. I know there's something wrong. You were really queit during the game and now your in bed and you look upset. It's more than you pretending to be sick. I don't like seeing you upset," I said while walking over to the bed.

"Hop in and I'll tell you," he said patting the empty space in the bed beside him. I took of my shoes and climbed into bed with him. It wasn't weird we had shared a bed before and it wasn't like I was sleeping here, we were just talking.

"Now what's up?" I asked him.

"I'm just annoyed with the boys for asking you such a personal question," Ashton replied.

"That's it, that's all that's bothering you?" I asked not believing his story.

"Yes," Ashton replied bluntly.

I didn't believe him, there was definetely more than that.

"Ash, I'm nearly 18, I don't need you to protect me with every thing. I love that you do and all, but you don't need to be that upset over things. We've been best friends since I was like 4, that's nearly 14 years Ash. I can see that your upset over something more, whether ot not you'll admit it. If your not going to tell me okat don't but please talk to some one, it's horrible seeing you so upset," I said to him. It was horrible to see him so upset, but I had a feeling he wasn't going to tell me what was wrong. I only hoped he'd tell one of the boys.

"Why you can read me like a book. I don't know do I want to talk about it now, but I will tell some one whe I'm  ready," Ashton smiled ending the conversation.

For the next few minutes we just lay down in bed not talking, just lying beside each other.

Luke P.o.V

"Where the hell did Jess go?" I asked, "She left almost half an hour ago, I thought she was only checking on him."

"See I told you there more than friends, they just won't admit it, there probably all cosy in bed together ready for a night of fun," laughed Michael, "That's why she avoided the question of her first time, it was with Ash and they're to embarrased to tell us," he continued.

I didn't believe it, they were just friends, or well I really hoped they were just friends. Jess was a really nice girl. She was hot, had a great personality and  was fun to be with. I really liked her and I was waiting for the perfect opportunity to ask her out.

"Ah no Mikey, they're just friends, best friends like she said," I stated trying to convince myself more than him.

"Well I agree with Mikey. Why don't we go into the room and see what there up to," Calum said.

"Righteo, let's go," I hopped up off the floor. This was my chance to prove them wrong. We would walk in and see Jess and Ash sitting on the floor talking. That's what they would doing.

I couldn't have been more wrong. We walked and what I saw suprised and upset me. Both Ash and Jess were fast asleep in the same bed and Ash's arms were wrapped around Jess' body.

"Hah, told you" Michael whisper-shouted in my face.

"No you said they would be having sex, so neither of us were right," I retorted.

"Let's leave and talk about it in Luke's room," Calum said wisely.

We walked back into my room, and to be honest I was a bit upset. I knew I had to tell them I liked Jess.

"Right guys I need to tell you something," I started the second we were in my room, "I like Jess, like really really like her," I finished.

"Well your pretty much fucked if that's the case," Michael stated.

"Yeah dude, Jess and Ash really like eachother. It's so obvious I mean they're sleeping together as we speak," Calum continued.

"But you heard Jess, she said there just best friend," I said. I was so, I don't even know what you could say. I really liked her, and I needed to believe that she didn't like Ash.

"I'm going to be honest," Michael started. "When she came into the house today you were hugging her and Ashton interupted because well it's obvious he likes her, but she looked disappointed when you had pull away from her. Later when you were picking a prgramme to watch she was staring at you and I mean full on concentration staring. So I thought she liked you. Even when we were playing 20 questions she was staring at you alot. But now that she's asleep with Ash I think she likes him and not you. I think the only reason she was looking at you was so she would end up liking you because she doesn't want to like Ashton, incase their friendship is ruined." Michael contiued with his theory.

So there was a small chance she liked me. This made my heart flutter, but then remembering that she probably liked Ash, my heart fell again. I really had no words for Michael's statement, I hadn'y a clue how to replie to that. Luckily enough Calum started to talk.

"I think Michael's right, she was staring at you all day, but now that's she asleep with Ash I think she likes him"

"I suppose your right. I'll talk to Ash about it the morning," I explained, "but right now I'm going to sleep,"

With that i jumped into bed, and turned of the light leaving Calum and Michael to do what they wanted.

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