Chapter 26.

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Ashton P.o.V

I ran into the kitchen to the sound of my phone beeping . I checked my notifications and saw I had two messages; one from Jess and one from Bella.

From Jess:) : Cinema tonight at 7!? We're seeing Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Meet you there if you're coming:)

From Bella: Hey babe, do you want to come see Dawn of the Planet of the Apes tonight.

Typical of my luck that they would both want to go to the cinema on the same night to see the same movie. I couldn't invite Bella to come along with Jess and the guys but I couldn't just go with Bella and forget about Jess. I had promised Jess on the previous Monday that I would go with her.

We used to hang out almost everyday but since the tour we had only seen each other twice and I didn't really even talk to her at the party. I knew it was only right to go with Jess and tell Bella I was busy. It wasn't exactly lying but more twisting the truth.

To Jess:) : Sounds great:) See ya then:)

To Bella<3 : I'm so sorry Bels but I'm busy tonight. I'll make it up to you by bringing you to dinner tomorrow:)

I felt terrible for blowing Bella off like that but I had to hang out with Jess. We hadn't hung out in ages and I was afraid she might just slip away if we didn't talk and hangout like we used to.

Bella text back almost immediately.

From Bella<3 : Aww:( but okay I'll see you tomorrow:)

I was happy that Bella was okay with me not going with her, but I still felt really bad, both about lying to her and not going with her. I was still excited about seeing Jess and the guys, but I had this strange guilt hanging over me because I wasn't going with Bella.


"Ashton," Jess squeeled as I walked into the cinema. She walked oer to me and gave me a big hug which I returned. "It feel like a year since I last saw you," she exclaimed.

"I know, it's been so long," I agreed, emphasing the so. "Where are the others?" I asked noticing that they weren't there. 

"Calum, Michael and Luke aren't here yet and Ciara and Lauren are in the bathroom," Jess smiled.

"I'm surprised Luke didn't bring you," I laughed.

"It was easier for me to just walk," she replied.

We sat around on the sofa in the lobby waiting for Calum, Michael and Luke. The film wasn't starting until half past seven and they arrived at twenty five past seven. We all bought our tickets together and got four large popcorns between us.

The film was really good, not as good as Rise of the Planet of the Apes, but still really good. After the film we all went over to Luke's house for something we do. The something ended up being sitting in his living room and talking, but I'm not complaining. It was great to spend time with all of them.

I drove Jess home, which gave us time to catch up on everything that had happened. We ended up talking outside her house for almost half an hour in the car. So much had happened between her and Luke, and also between Bella and I. We only stopped talking because Jess' mam text her saying she needed her back inside.

Jess P.o.V

It was just my luck that mam would say she needed me when I was in the middle of a conversation. I sighed and slowly got out of car, saying goodbye to Ashton.

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