Chapter 31 (part 1).

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Ashton P.o.V

I fucked up, I really did. Jess hadn't replied to a single message, or returned any of my calls. I left her hundreds of voice mails. I told how sorry I was. I reminded her that she meant everything to me. I told her I had fucked up. I told her Bella was horrible. I told her she was right. None of it was good enough though.  I know she had listened to them. She told Calum and Michael she had. She had read the meesages but she was still ignoring me.

I hadn't really spoken to Luke either. I wasn't purposely ignoring him, I just couldn't bring myself to talk to him. He had told me what really happened, every single detail. Some of them I would rather have not heard. It hurt to hear how the lips of the girl you loved felt on your best friend. It just wasn't something I wanted to hear. As far as talking to him went, both of us were just two upset to really talk to anybody.

Getting over Bella wasn't easy, not in the slightest. I know it had meant nothing to Luke but it still hurt me. I knew there was no point in crying over a girl who didn't actually care for me but that didn't make it easier.  

I guess sometimes you think you know a person but really you don't. I thought I knew Bella, but really she had just been using me the entire time. I never would have thought it. She never seemed like that kind of girl, but maybe Jess had just been right all along.

Writing became my get away. I wrote all my feelings down on paper and had come up with a few songs. Most of them were awful but a few were okay. It's not like I had any plan for the songs, they just helped me get my feeling out. I played them on my drums and that also helped. It  didn't repair Jess and I's broken friendship but it made me feel better.

Luke P.o.V

Finding a way to express my feelings or forget about everything was difficult. I had tried everything and by everything I mean everything. I had tried to write my feelings in a diary, but it didn't help at all. I tried talking to people, like my brothers and Calum and Michael but it just resulted in me crying and them not knowing what to do. I tried song writing but all the songs were completely shit. The fact they were all so bad frustrated me. I hated being happy with a song. The only thing that helped me was exercise. I was just annoyed with myself for letting Jess slip out of my life. Exercising let me clear my strangled thoughts and find a way to even just talk to Jess again.

Jess P.o.V

Lying in bed crying for a full week was not something I ever planned on doing, it's just something that happened. I hadn't talked to anybody in that week. People called, people text, people visited the house, I just ignored them. I didn't really want to talk to anybody, I didn't want anything other than to mend my broken heart. I missed Luke and Ashton, I had gone from talking to them every day to not talking to them at all. Ciara, Lauren and my Mam tried to get me to do something, but the most I did was eat and cry. ISound horrible doesn't it ? Well it was, but after a week things got better. I found ways to take my mind of thing. I played video games and Outlast became my favourite. Outlast was so scary that I completely forgot everything and just got lost in the game. After I had finished playing I would go running. This cleared my muddled mind and helped me.

Even though I wasn't as upset as before I still hadn't moved on or gotten over it. I couldn't even bring myself to answer back to Ashton's endless voice mails, or Luke's continuous texts. Calum and Michael kept telling me they had to explain it all to me, and that I had it all wrong but I couldn't hear them out. Every message I got was telling me that Luke hadn't meant it and that it was Bella's fault. I didn't doubt for a spilt second that it was Bella's fault but it's not possible to "accidently" cheat on your girlfriend. 

The biggest thing that changed my mind and feelings was just over two weeks after I had caught Luke cheating on me.

I was going for my daily run after playing Outlast. I was getting bored of taking the same route every day and decided for a change. There was a small, rocky road just about a mile from my house and the scenery was amazing, so I decided to go that way. I walked for the first half mile just enjoying the crisp, fresh air and starting jogging after that. Not a thing could bother me until I saw a figure running up the road in the opposite direction to me. I slowed my pace to take in the person ahead of me. He was really tall with broad shoulder and long legs. His blond hair wais quiffed but covered by a snapback. Before I got any closer I knew straight away who it was and I didn't know how to feel about it.


I feel like I have a million things to apologise for right now. First off I'm so sorry I haven't updated in over three weeks. I had serious writers block and I didn't realise it had been three weeks. Secondly I'm so sorry this chapter is so short, I promise I'm going to try my best to update again tomorrow. I'm never going to go so long without updating again.

Thank you for sticking around and continuing to read this! I love you all x

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