Chapter 32 (part 1).

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Jess P.o.V

"Jess," I heard Luke scream frantically. At the same time I felt his hand wrap around my arm as he pulled me off the road. I tripped and fell beside him. Seconds later a small silver car sped past us. 

It took me a few seconds to process what happened. I had just been standing in the middle of the road not wanting to be any closer to Luke but not wanting to be any further away either and he saved me. He stopped a car driving at full speed from hitting me.

"Luke," I gasped, "You-you saved me," and for the first time in what felt like forever I smiled. It mightn't have been a big smile but it was a smile none the less.

"I guess I did," he chuckled. His hand was around my arm, his body close to me and I felt save.

I enjoyed the feeling of safety until I realised how wrong it was. Almost being hit by a car made me forget about everything, but when it all came back to I quickely pried Luke's hand from my arm and moved away from him.

"Look Luke, I know you just saved my life, but I can't just forget what happened and what you did. I'm sorry," I rushed .- No matter how safe I felt in his arms it didn't changed what had happened. I knew I didn't know the whole story but until I was ready to hear it I couldn't be with him. - "Really sorry," I shook my head and without another word I turned away and walked off.

I made it to the end of the road and around the corner before I broke down. I wasn't sure why but I needed to cry again. I was still in shock over meeting Luke and having him save my life. I peeked my head around the corner and saw that Luke was still in the same spot as when I left. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and dialed Calum's number.

"Hi Jess, how're you?"

"I'm good," I tried to smile even though he couldn't see me

"Don't lie Jess, you sound like you were just crying,"

"Okay, I'm not good. Are you at home?" I gave up pretending.

"I'm on the way home now. I'll pick you up," I knew he was smiling.

I told him were I was and waited him for to pick me up. It didn't take him long to get to me, just enough time for me to stop crying and make it look as though I hadn't been crying too much. He pulled up on the side of the road and I let myself into the car.

"I thought you said exercise was helping you," he stared at me with seriousness spread across his face.

"It was until I saw Luke," I sighed. Calum started the car and drove back to his house while I explained what happened. I finished telling him everything just as we pulled up at his house.

"Anyway enough of me, what were you up to?" I sighed as we walked in the door.

"Nothing much, but we've doing a load of song writing especially Ashton and Luke," he stopped when he saw my face. "Sorry," he shook his head, "We've all been writing. I was just on the way back from Mikey's when I collect you. He had all our lyrics and songs, but he was scared he would loose them so he gave them to me for some reason," Calum continued to explain, chuckling at the end of his sentence.

"Can I look at some of the songs," I asked without any reason.

"Sure, I'll just get them out of the car," he smiled and went to get them.

A few minute later he came back with a large pile of papers. I looked through the papers and decided to read a very crumpled sheet that was near the bottom of the pile

   " Baby you're not what I need

   I'm over this

   I'm over you

   I'm not gonna waste my life away

   This is my independence day

   I'm moving on there's no excuse

   And I can't take away your pain

   This is my independence day (x2)

   Suddenly my picture is looking perfect

   Since you're not in the frame

   And deep down I never meant to hurt you

   But you're the one to blame"

The all too familiar pain over came me. "Wh-who wrote this," I asked my voice wobbling and hands shaking. I was worried that it had been Luke who wrote the lyrics.

"What part of the pile did you get it from?" Calum asked his head in the fridge.


"Oh then it must have been Luke," He replied still looking through the fridge.

"Oh," was all I could manage. "I-I better go, my mam wants me back for dinner," I lied after a moment of silence. Calum's company was great but I had to think about the lyrics and what they meant. To do that I needed to be alone.

"I can drop you back home," Calum offered finally taking something out of the fridge.

"No, it's okay. I need the walk, but thanks anyway," I faked a smile and left the house.

Calum lived relatively close to my house, about half an hour of a walk. That gave me plenty of time to think.

Nothing seemed to fit into place. 

Luke sent me text after text telling me how sorry he was. How much he missed me. How he still loved me. How he had messed up. Even after all those messages he ran passed me like I didn't exist. The only reason he talked to me was because I had called out his name. We talked but it had been extremely awkward. He then basically saved my life; if he hadn't pulled my arm the car would have hit me. I didn't even know it was coming towards me. After the car passed it was as if nothing had changed between us. We were so close to eachother, laughing, smiling, talking as though everything was the same. That's how I wanted it to be. I wanted everything to be great between us again, but it couldn't if those lyrics really were his. 

Why would he try to tell me he still loved me if he was writing a song about being over someone, who could only be me? It confused me so damn much.

And just as I walked into my house I knew exactly what I had to do.


I'm sorry if you don't like these half chapters, but I feel so horrible for not updating in three weeks that I want to get up as many updates as I can this weekend. 

Please vote and comment just so I know you're enjoying! x

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