Chapter 25.

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Jess P.o.V

The first week was horrible. I didn't get to leave the house once and the only contact I had with anybody was through texting, which really was not good enough.

I wanted to go shopping and talk about girly stuff with both Ciara and Lauren. I wanted to play video games with Michael. I wanted to go running with Calum. I wanted to hug and cuddle with Luke. I wanted to talk to Ashton and hear him laugh and hang out like we always did. Honestly I would have been happy to just say hi to them. It was worse when my mam was at work. Despite the fact it was my mam's fault I was so miserable, it was worse when she was at work. I hated being so lonely, at least when she was at home there was somebody there and I had someone to talk to.

It was so hard for anybody to come over when my mam was at work because she worked different hours everyday which meant none of us knew when she would be home or at work.

Luke came over one day but of course my mam was just back from work when he knocked on the door. She kindly asked him to leave but then went ape shit at me when he left. Nobody else bothered trying to come over after that, so I was completely alone.

"I have another meeting this afternoon, and I need to start getting ready now, but there isn't anything there for dinner. Can you down to the shop and pick up what ever you want to eat for dinner?" my mam asked me one day while we were eating lunch.

"So you're letting me leave the house?" I asked.

"Yes, but only to get food," she replied sharply handing me the money. 

I was quick to take the money and I practically sprinted out the door. I didn't care that she still had my phone. I was going to see Luke and Ashton and hopefully Michael, Calum, Ciara and Lauren.

I walked around the town looking for a payphone; it was my only way of calling anybody. It took for ever to find one, but eventually I saw one on the outskirts of the town. I pulled some change out of my pocket and put it into the machine, dialing Ashton's number.

"Hello, who's this," he asked.

"Jess," I replied.

"Oh hi Jess," I could almost see him smiling.

"Okay I have to be quick, but can you come into town. Mam let me out of the house to buy something for dinner and I need to see you and the guys," I explained.

"Yeah sure, I'll leave now. Where do you want me to meet you?" He asked.

"At Target, and can you tell Michael and Calum and maybe even Ciara and Lauren. I don't know their numbers,"

"Yeah sure  no problem. I'll see you in about ten minutes."

I hung up on Ashton, put more money into the machine and called Luke. I told him the same stuff I had told Ashton and then made my way to Target. The walk to Target wasn't too long and I was there before anybody else. 

Luke was first to get there and I literally ran into his arms. "Jess," he smiled. "Oh my god Luke, it's been absolute torture," I sighed. 

"I can only imagine."

We stayed talking until everybody else arrived. They all came together and hugged each of them. We all sat down on the wall outside Target and they filled me in one everything that had happened. According to Ciara Lauren and Michael had starting dating, but they denied it. Whether or not it was true, they were really cute together. The guys had gone back to work and had starting recording and writing some new songs, which I couldn't wait to here. Calum and Ciara were somewhere between dating but not dating. Ashton and Bella were still together. It had only been a week but I had missed alot.

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