Chapter 35.

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Jess P.oV

We were all sitting on the tattered sofa in Luke's sitting room. I had my head resting on Luke's shoulder, while he wrapped my hair around his fingers, My legs were pulled up to my chest, and there was a big pouffy white blanket thrown over Luke and I. Calum, Ashton and Michael were scattered around the room, sitting comfortably on the various other sofas.


Two weeks has passed since everybody had made up. Everything was smooth sailing. Bella hadn't talked talked to any body, none of us had seen her, or even heard about her. It didn't phase me too much though, I was just happy she wasn't messing with my life. It was great not having to worry about her.

Ciara and Calum had gone on a few more dates, but there really wasn't anything happeneing between them.There wasn't much thy could talk about without getting bored. Calum would want to talk about soccor, football and music, while Ciara wanted to talk about clothes and shopping. They were just staying good friends. It was kind of sad, because they were so cute together but it's hard to be with some body when you have nothing to talk about

Lauren and Michael on the hand were really hitting things off.  They had so much in common, it was crazy. Give them one Playstation or X-box game and they would play it together for hours. It was constant comptetion between them over who was better at Fifa, League of Legends and Destiny. They had similar music interests, and were always jamming out to All Time Low, Green Day, Good Charlotte and even Nirvana. They had the same passion for being indoors all the time. Neither of them saw any reason for being outside when they could be inside playing League of Legends. They weren't officialy together, but the might have well as been.

Ashton had completely gotten over Bella, and was just as happy as ever. His big smile was always on his face and was extremely infectious. When Ashton was happy, every one washappy. Everything between me and Ashton was beyond perfect. Once we had apologised, everything was forgotten about. We hung out almost everyday. When I wasn't with Luke, I was nearly always with Ashton. It just felt amazing that everything was perfect, and for once they wasn't any problems getting in my way.


"So are you two back to being a super annoying couple again," Calum laughed sarcastically, taking a bite out of his apple.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Luke laughed, kissing my head.

"We're totally not annoying," I replied with just a much sarcasm, before pecking Luke on the lips.

"Suuuure you're not," Michael said slowly with a half smile, while laughing.

"You're just jealous," Luke challenged.

"Of what? You're excessive PDA?" Michael laughed.

"You just wish Lauren would kiss you in public," Luke joked

"We all know it's what happens in the bedroom that really counts," Michael smirked.

"Michael," I squeeled, "You little creep." At this stage Michael was in hysterics laughing.

"Okay, okay, too far," He hicupped.


"Please stay," I whined, "Please."

"I-I don't know Jess," Luke said slowly, "Your mam will flip if she finds out I stayed."

"She gone away on some trip, she won't know. It's just one night, I don't want to be alone," I whispered.

"Okay," he gave in with a slight smile.

I took his hand and we ran up the stairs together. I pushed open my bedroom door and jumped onto my bed followed by Luke. The bed dropped when he sat down. I took out my phone and turned on Good Charlotte - "I just wanna live". I crawled up to the top of my bed and shimmyed under the duvet. Seconds later Luke followed my actions and was lying right beside me. He put his arms around my body and turned me around so I was facing him. I wrapped my arms around him and looked into his eyes.

"Perfect," He smiled.

"Just like you," I smiled.

"Cheesy much?" He laughed.

"Just the truth," I pecked his lips.

"Is that all I get," He joked, pressing his lips against mine again. I responded, kissing him with more passion this time. His hands travelled down to the hem of my t-shirt, where he started messing with it before sliding his hands up my back. His lips moved down to my neck. He bit down, and sucked hard, definetely leaving a mark. His hands travelled up and down my back, until they settled on my waist. With his hands around my waist he pulled me closer to him, until there was no space left between us. I raised my legs and wrapped them around his wiast. I brought my hands up to his hair as our lips reconnected. It didn't take long before his tongue traced on my bottom lip. I opened my mouth, allowing his tongue to enter mine, giving him what he wanted. He gently moved my legs from his waist, and flipped us over so he was straddling over me.

"I love you so much Jess," He planted a series of sloppy kisses along my neck.

"I love you Luke," I pulled him closer to me.

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