3. Sharing Feelings

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Nicolette's POV:

I am awoken by being hit in the face by a pillow.

"Ugh! Go away!" I yell as I pull the blankets over my face.

" Up and at it Nikki! School starts in an hour!" Juliet shouts and throws another pillow at me.

"Nooo! I'm to tired!" I yell as I peak out of the blanket. "Zis is your fault." I say pointing at her.

" Hey you agreed to come! Plus the fun will start in an hour... You can sleep when we get out of class..." Juliet says smirking.

"But I want to sleep now." I whine shoving my face in my pillow.

" If you don't get up I will send Fred and George up with a couple of dung bombs..." Juliet threatens. I sit up quickly and glare at her my hair now a rats nest due to all the craziness. "Breakfast is in five... So you better hurry..." Juliet says. I quickly get up grab clothes and get dressed. I slide on my shoes and grab my bag and brush. I brush my hair as I walk with Juliet to the Great Hall.

"Zat is the fastest I've gotten ready since... Ever." I say untangling my mess on my head.

" Well get used to it..." Juliet says. That's when a tall dirty blonde approaches us.

"Vho are you?" I ask raising an eyebrow as I work through the knots in my hair.

" Hi I'm Cedric... I just was wondering if I could speak to Juliet for a moment..." He says smiling.

" What's up Diggory?" Juliet says. Cedric chuckles. " I wanted to make sure we're still on for tonight..." He says. I could see Juliet blush.

" Of course..." She says. " See you tonight then..." He says and then kisses her cheek. She turns a darker shade of red.

"Ooooh! You and him have somezing going on." I say smirking.

"Oh and you and Fred don't?" She says raising an eyebrow.

"Vat? No!" I say. I mean I like him but I don't think he likes me.

"Ah ha... The stollen glances at dinner last night... The only thing that could have given it away more was if you both were drooling..." Juliet says a smirk playing on her face.

"Okay you caught me. But I don't zink he likes me. I doubt he would." I say shrugging and looking at the floor. I put my brush away as we are about to enter the Great Hall.

"Just you wait and see my friend..." Juliet says laughing.

"Vat are you going to do?" I say and she runs up to Fred and George. "Juliet vait!" I say trying to keep up with her. She whispers something in Fred's ear. I watched as his face went bright red. She smirked in my direction. Fred stood up and made his way to me. I quickly turn back around and try to walk out to the hallways. I hear him follow behind me.

"Nikki can I ask you something?" He asks. I stop in my tracks and slowly turn around. My face is fifty shades of red and I feel like crawling in a hole and dying.

"Uhhh... Depends..." I say. He starts walking towards me and I walk backwards again.

"Nikki I really like you... Like like you and I want to know if you would want to I don't know... Hang out sometime..." Fred says rubbing the back of his neck. My face gets redder, if that is possible, as I stop in my tracks.

"Uhh... Yeah... Sure." I say looking at the ground smiling.

"Sweet... How about today at seven?" He asks. I nod.

"Yeah zat sounds great." I say finally looking into his eyes and I can't seem to look away.

"Awesome..." He says and quickly kisses my cheek before going back into the Great Hall. I followed soon behind. I see Juliet giving me a thumbs up. I sit in between her and Fred.

"Zis doesn't mean I don't hate you." I say under my breath to her as I take a piece of toast and drink some juice.

"No you love me! Don't deny it!" She says in a cheery tone. I look over like she's crazy.

"You are a strange, strange, little child." I say shaking my head and going back to eating.

"Maybe that's because I'm special!" She says giggling. She points to the scar shaped in the form of a lightning bolt. One I had been meaning to ask about.

"Uhh... Not to be rude or anyzing but vat is zat from?" I ask as I look over it.

" Oh um... It's a long story really... A certain dark wizard... People are afraid to say his name... He wanted to take over... He killed my parents and then tried to kill Harry and me... Somehow we survived and we have the scars to prove it..." She says a sad look in her eyes.

"Oh okay. Sorry..." I say apologetically. I feel Fred grab my hand causing me to jump a bit but I grab his hand back.

" Juliet likes the attention from..." He says snickering.

" Fred!" Juliet scolded. He laughed. I giggle a bit and tap Fred's shoulder.

"Let her be you veirdo." I say smiling.

" I thought you like my weirdness?" He says jokingly.

" Oh how cute!" Juliet exclaimed making kissy faces.

"Hey you shush! And I do like your veirdness." I say looking over at him smiling. What is it about these people? They are the only people outside of my family who have seen my true side.

" Oh even cuter! Hear that Freddie boy? She likes your weirdness!" Juliet says laughing.

"Vould you shut it!" I shout pointing at her but can't stop smiling.

" Never!" Juliet exclaimed.

"Ugh!" I put my forehead against Fred's shoulder out of embarrassment.

" Oh leaning on shoulders now are we?" Juliet asks smirking.

"I swear to God!" I yell my voice muffled from Fred's sweater. I hear Juliet and George burst into laughter.

" Come on Nikki it's funny!" Juliet says. I lift my head up slightly. Glancing at the Hufflepuff table I notice Cedric looking our way. He has a cheeky grin on his face. I smirk to myself.

"How about you and Cedric?" I say winking at her. Juliet blushes deeply.

" Shut it..." She mumbles.

"Oooooh! Someone has a crush." I say smirking.

" Juliet has been crushing on pretty boy Diggory since last year..." George snickered.

"Oh. Has she now. And she's going on a date with him today." I say nudging her. Her face turns even more red.

" Oh is she now?" George asked raising an eyebrow.

" Guys..." Juliet says in embarrassment.

"Don't do anyzing too reckless." I say chuckling with a wink.

" What could I do that's reckless?" Juliet asked, blush still coating her cheeks.

"You don't know?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

" No I don't..." Juliet states. I whisper in her ear what I mean and her eyes widen.

" I would never!" She exclaims. I burst out with laughter and Fred and George exchange glances. " It's our first date Nikki! I don't even know if it will go anywhere!" Juliet exclaimed.

"I mean you never know he's already kissed your cheek maybe he vill at least kiss you on the lips." I say smirking. Juliet rolls her eyes.

" Well we just have to wait and see..." Juliet says shaking her head.

"So? What's going on with that prank?" I whisper to her and the twins.

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now