27. Your My God What?

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Juliet's POV:
Things have been good for the last few weeks. Nicolas hasn't shown up. Sirius Black did break into the castle though. I currently was snuggled up with Ced on the sofa in the common room. Nikki was on Fred's lap in a chair. " I hate being confined to the common room because it's "not safe"!" I say putting air quotes on not safe. "I'm good right here." Nikki says kissing Fred. " Your not a quidditch player... I need to be on a broom..." I say. Ced chuckles. " Plus he is breaking all of the rules by being here..." I say pointing a finger at my boyfriend. " It's worth it for you baby..." he says kissing my cheek. "I'm a cheerleader though." I say. "Yeah. Ever since the whole thing with Nicolas you haven't done any cheer." Fred says. Nikki smirks and runs upstairs. I sigh and lean my head into Ced's chest. I soon fall asleep.

Nikki's POV:
I change into my cheer outfit and run back downstairs.

" Well why don't you look sexy..." Fred says winking.

"Ha! I wish!" I say laughing. I look over and see Juliet asleep. I roll my eyes.

" You are sexy love..." Fred says.

"Sure. Whatever you say." I say sitting on his lap. Juliet shifts in her sleep. "Juliet!" I shout not wanting to get up. "Juliet please wake up! I don't want to feel bad because I can't help you!" I shout again not moving. She jolts up, her green irises filled with panic.

" What the?" She asks.

"Hey calm down. It's okay. Everything is okay." I say and Ced grabs her hand.

" It's ok baby..." He says soothingly. He runs a hand through her hair.

" I'm sorry I was just a little frazzled thats all..." she says shaking her head.

"At least yours aren't as bad as mine right now." I say leaning against Fred. He rubs my back in comfort. Lately I've been waking up in the middle of the night screaming and crying scared that Nicolas will come back. I know I've been scaring Fred. Juliet hasn't been sleeping in the dorm for some reason. That's when I see Ced bite his lip. Is there something they aren't telling me? "I know those faces what are you not telling me?" I say looking at the two. That's when I really take Ced in. He dark circles and I mean bad. It looks like he hasn't slept in weeks.

" Nothing..." Ced says. His arms tighten around Juliet. That's when I realize she is asleep again.

"I know your lying. I can see it in your face. Just tell me." I say.

" Juliet hasn't been doing well either... I haven't slept maybe more than six hours total these last few weeks..." Ced says. He looks worriedly at his sleeping girlfriend. I place my hands on my face stressed like.

"Damnit. I hate myself right now." I say the second part to myself but I was loud enough to be heard.

" Why do you hate yourself? It's not your fault... It happened after Sirius Black broke into the castle..." Ced says.

"I hate myself because I don't know how to help and I never do and I am a useless friend." I say sighing as I sit back against Fred's chest again.

" We all can't help Nik... That makes us all useless..." Ced says. Just as he does Juliet lets out a cry. Pain flashed across Ced's features. I look away tears in my eyes while biting the inside of my cheek. " Baby please wake up..." Ced says, his voice cracking in many places. I had never heard him like this. He always kept his calm. I take a deep breath trying not to have a melt down. Ced stands up, Juliet in his arms.

" That's it Madam Pomphrey has to have something to help her... Hang in there baby..." He says and then looks at us. " You guys coming?" he asks. I don't answer still trying to keep my cool.

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now