24. Home Sweet Home

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Nikki's POV:
"Love wake up." I hear Fred say as he shakes me.

"Huh?" I ask lifting my head off his lap.

"Something's going on..." He says. I realize the train is pitch black. It's also very cold. I look to see Juliet in a huge coat and a Hufflepuff scarf.

" We don't know what it is..." Juliet says. I sit up and stand up. I slowly open the door to look outside. The train jolts and I fall onto the floor.

" Love are you alright?" Fred asks. That's when a hooded figure comes into view. It attacks Juliet. She fumbles for her wand.

" Expecto Patronum..." She mumbles. A bright light erupts from her wand. Was it a doe? I wasn't sure. The creature flees and Juliet falls. She's out cold. I crawl over to her and help her up in her seat.

"What was that?" I ask as Cedric takes her into his arms.

" I think it was a dementor..." Cedric answers rocking her slightly.

"Oh." I say still on the floor.

Juliet slowly wakes up. She looks quite pale. She looks around. " Who screamed?" She asks.

"No one screamed Juliet." I say confused as Fred helps me up.

" I heard a woman scream..." She says.

"There wasn't a scream." Cedric says and she looks over at him confused.

" I could have sworn..." She says shaking her head. " I must have just been hearing things..." She says.

"Are you okay?" I ask concerned for my friend. I take a water bottle out of my case and hand it to her so she can drink some. She takes it and sips slowly.

" Could you get the chocolate from my bag?" She asks. I nod and grab the chocolate and hand it to her. She bites it and I watch the color return to her face.

" I'm fine..." She says getting up.

"You sure?" I ask placing a hand on her shoulder.

" Positive..." She says sitting down. I nod.

"Ugh why am I so tired?" I ask leaning on Fred.

"You okay love?" Fred asks.

"I don't know. I just feel as if all my energy was just drained out." I say as he picks me up bridal style and sits down still holding me on his lap.

" That would be the dementor..." Juliet says leaning against Cedric. He pulls her onto his lap. I close me eyes for a second and then open them again to see Fred looking at me.

"Do you do that often?" I ask.

"What?" He asks with a smile.

"Stare at me while I'm sleeping." I say as I furrow my eyebrows.

"You look adorable when you sleep." Fred says and I shake my head.

"No. I am the most ugliest sleeper ever. My hair becomes a mess, I drool and I snore. That is like the worst combination ever." I say and he just shrugs. "You are strange." I say.

Juliet lets out a soft laugh. " You both are strange..." She says.

"Hey at least I admit that I'm weird but this guy..." I say laughing and sitting up on his lap and leaning against his chest.

" Looks like I'm the only normal one..." Cedric says.

" How so?" Juliet asks raising an eyebrow.

" Those two are strange and my girlfriend turns into a dog... I think I'm pretty normal..." He says smiling. Juliet laughs. I look at Cedric like he is crazy.

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now