8. Written in Blood

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Nicolette's POV:
The rest of the week had been great. Fred and I have been growing closer. Juliet sneaks up to the astronomy tower every night to see Cedric. She still hasn't talked to Harry. Don't even get me started on Gilderoy Lockhart. What a fake! I was walking to class with Juliet. We had advanced herbology so we had it with the fourth year Hufflepuff's. It was Juliet's favorite class and we all knew why.

" So how are you and Fred?" She asked smirking as we walked.

"Good. Ve've grown quite close." I say smiling.

" Ooooo.... Have you snogged yet?" She asks.

"No." I say simply as we continue to walk.

" Well you should! You've been dating for a week..." Juliet says. " Ced and I made out on our first date..." She adds.

"Dating? He hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet." I say confused.

" Come on! You two have been talking for a whole week! Fred seems to be so smitten he might die if you left! You might as well be dating!" She says energetically.

"It's not exactly zat easy. And just because you and Ced made out on the first date doesn't mean me and Fred have to." I say as we turn the corner and start to approach the green house.

" Well at least a small kiss..." She says smiling.

"He's kissed me on the cheek. Zat's it." I say as we walk into class. We walk up to a table claiming it and waiting for the boys.

Fred and Cedric slipped in no more than a minute later, sitting next to their respective girls. Cedric kissed Juliet's cheek. Fred gave me a loving smile. Juliet squealed. I raised an eyebrow. Fred pointed under the table. I look. Cedric has his hand on Juliet's thigh. He must've squeezed it.

"Seriously Ced just chill buddy. She's twelve." I say smirking.

" I don't mind it at all..." Juliet said smiling. I roll my eyes at the pair.

"Okay but ven you have a mini you running around just know I'm gonna say 'i told you so.'" I say.

" Nikki!" She said embarrassed. Cedric chuckled.

"Vat? I was being honest. Hey if you don't like me making zose comments I can leave." I say standing up and turning to leave.

" Nikki sit down... she's just embarassed that's all..." Fred says. Juliet's cheeks were bright red. I sit down with wide eyes.

"Jeez Fred... When did you become so demanding. 'Nikki sit down.'" I say mimicking him.

" Come on I'm just joking with you love..." Fred said giving me an adorable smile.

" Class today we are going to be doing a partner project... One boy and one girl will work together..." Professor sprout states. " You have to keep a plant alive for two weeks... You will take turns tending to your plant..." She states. Juliet and Cedric smile lovingly at each other. " You may partner up..." She says.

" Nikki would you like to be my partner?" Fred asks.

"Hell yes!" I say a little overexcited.

" How about my girlfriend?" He asks.

"Vat?" My eyes widen.

" Will you be my girlfriend Nikki?" He asks again.

"S-sure..." I say as I push a strand of hair out of my face and blush looking at the ground. He kisses my cheek.

" Brilliant!" He says excitedly. I see Juliet raising her eyebrows continuesly at me. I just roll my eyes at her but flash a loving smile at Fred.

Juliet slipped me a piece of paper. It read ' How about snogging now miss he hasn't asked me yet'.

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now