9. My Demon

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Nicolette's POV:

The next morning Juliet got back an hour ago from who knows where and me, her, Fred and George are all sitting in the common room. I sigh as I sit next to Fred looking at the ground worried. All three look up at me when I sit down. Fred looks concerned at me. Juliet looks exhausted and slightly off. George had the same look.

"Are you okay love?" Fred asks placing a hand on my shoulder.

"No." I say standing again suddenly. "I... Did you hear Malfoy?! He said 'You'll be next mudbloods.' I'm a muggle born zerefore I am most likely in danger and I vould be lying if I said I vasn't terrified." I say sighing as I stare at the ground.

" Hermione too..." Juliet states. " I'm really sorry Nikki..." She adds.

"Its not your fault." I say sighing. "I'm just scared." I say turning around.

" We all are love..." Fred says taking my hand.

" At least you guys are purebloods..." Juliet says.

"Juliet your a halfblood. You don't really have to vorry much either." I say shrugging. I let Fred's hand go and I go to pick up my books. When I look at my hands in see them start to glow red like an oven would when it's hot. Oh no not now. I hide my hands and run to the bathroom in my dormitory. I quickly shut the door and lock it as I look in the mirror. "No no please not now." I say as my voice starts to sound more demonic. I look up and see my eyes change from hazel to pure black. This is part of me. This is my demon. This is my fear. I fear my demon magic being able to burn someone to death with one touch. I fear that I will hurt someone close to me if my demon takes complete control. I hear a knock on the door and I look over quickly not daring to open it.

" Nikki please let me in!" I hear Juliet call. I don't respond knowing my voice will go against me. I take a few deep breaths and seen my hands are back to normal. I look up in the mirror and blink a few times and my hazel eyes are back.

"Give me a second!" I yell back my voice normal again. I flush the toilet and turn on the sink to make it seem like I was using the bathroom. After I walk out. "Sorry. I started my period." I lie.

" Oh do you need any supplies?" Juliet asks. Ex d

"No I got all I need." I say smiling. I walk downstairs to the boys. Juliet trailing behind me.

That's when a beaitiful snowy owl fluttered through the window. " Hedwig!" Juliet exclaims. She rushes to the bird. She unties the letter from the birds leg. She strokes it's feathers. It nibbles at her fingers affectionately. She opens the letter. " It's from Ced... They canceled classes for today..." Juliet states after reading it.

"Cool." I say as I sit next to Fred again setting my books on my lap.

Juliet flops on the couch. " I'm exhausted..." She says.

"Same." I say leaning against Fred's shoulder.

" You guys sleep any last night?" Juliet asks.

"I didn't get much I don't know about the guys zough." I say and I shut my eyes.

" I slept maybe an hour... I woke up from a nightmare, at least that's what Ced said..." Juliet says.

"Uh huh." I say as I start to drift to sleep on Fred's shoulder.

Soon loud snoring fills the room. The guys snicker as Juliet snores.

Juliet's POV:
I was running. The corridor was dark and damp. I heard hissing from behind me. For some reason I could understand the snakes tongue. ' Come to me...' It said. I ran faster. I felt myself fall.
End of nightmare...
I jolt up screaming, my scar burning. I see Nikki fall off the couch, where she was leaning against Fred, now awake. I'm covered in a cold sweat.

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now