18. Leaky Caldron

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Nicolette's POV:
I wake up in my bed at the Leaky Caldron. We were staying there after we got back from Egypt since we are going to school soon. I get up and change my clothes and do my makeup.

 I get up and change my clothes and do my makeup

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(Nicolette's Outfit)

I walk downstairs to see Fred with George sitting at a table. I wrap my arms around him from behind since he is sitting down I can put my chin against his shoulder.

"Hi." I say looking at him.

"Hi." He says back and I smile. "You okay?" He asks and I nod.

"I'm good. I just wanted to spend time with you." I say.

"Awwww you guys are so cute." George says and snaps a picture.

"George can I ask why you seem to always have a camera at times like these?" I ask raising an eyebrow and he just shrugs and snaps another picture. I roll my eyes then look back to Fred who holds a loving stare. "What are you looking at?" I ask pulling back slightly.

"You. Your beautiful." He says and I smirk.

"That's because I'm wearing makeup." I say standing up.

"No. Your always beautiful." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Okay Prince Charming." I say as I sit in his lap. I hear a door open and look over seeing my best friend and the Diggory's walk in.

" Nikki!" Juliet calls rushing towards us.

"Jay!" I shout but don't move from where I'm sitting.

"Are you going to get up and say hi?" Fred asks raising an eyebrow.

"No I'm comfortable." I say giggling.

Juliet wraps her arms around me anyways. " I missed you..." She says.

"I missed you too." I say hugging back. I soon pull away and I go back to relaxing on his lap. I look at Fred and he looks as if he was in slight pain. "Are you okay?" I ask concerned placing a hand on his cheek.

"Has anyone told you that you have a very boney butt?" He asks and I giggle shrugging.

"Sorry." I say going to get up but I am only pulled back down.

"I didn't say you had to leave." He says in my ear and then kisses it. I blush and lean against his chest.

I hear the camera snap. " Nice one George!" I hear Juliet exclaim.

" I've got plenty more!" George says laughing.

"George you have three seconds to run." I say actually standing up this time.

" And I'm gone!" George says running from the room. Juliet bursts out laughing. I sit back down watching George run up the stairs.

"My work is done." I say leaning against Fred and closing my eyes. That's when another camera snaps. I open my eyes to find Juliet holding a camera. "I swear to God!" I jump up and this time, I actually chase Juliet up the stairs. Juliet is much faster and agile then I am. Darn you quidditch! I hear Fred and Cedric laughing downstairs. I slip on a step and trip. "You know what I give up." I say as I slowly slide down the steps. Juliet follows. That's when I finally get a good look at my best friend. She cut her hair off. "What did you do?!" I exclaim as I jump up and touch the tip of her hair.

" I cut it..." She answers the obvious question.

"Why?" I ask pretty loud.

"Nicolette dear can you please stop shouting." Mrs. Weasley says to me and I nod.

"Why?" I whisper to Juliet.

" I felt like it..." She says shrugging.

"Oh. Okay." I say as I walk down the stairs and stand next to Fred, who is still sitting. I still couldn't get over her hair.

" Juliet I didn't take you for the short hair type..." Percy commented.

"Why?" I shout once again.

"Nicolette!" Mrs. Weasley scolds me.

"Sorry." I say smiling sheepishly.

" I just needed a change..." She says. " Plus it always got pulled when I slept..." She added. The nightmares. I give her a small smile as I look at the ground. Fred takes my hand and rubs his thumb against it.

" I think you look sexy..." Cedric says coming behind her. He presses his lips to her neck. She let's out a soft moan.

" Juliet! Cedric!" Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Diggory say at the same time. Cedric pulls away and sits next to her, both of them blushing wildly. I laugh loudly as I fall onto Fred's lap.

"Haha ha! That... Was... Too funny!" I say in between laughs.

" Nicolette!" Mrs. Weasley scolds.

"What?! It was hilarious!" I say as I try to stop laughing but fail miserably.

" We are in a public place! It is not funny!" Mrs. Weasley argues. I bite my lip trying to hold in my laughter. I feel my face start to turn red. Right as I'm about to burst Fred squeezed my sides and I jump up squealing and falling to the floor. I let out my laugh now rolling on the floor.

" Fredric Weasley!" Mrs. Weasley says scolding him.

"What? I didn't do anything." Fred lies with a smirk.

" You infact did!" She yells.

"I do know what your talking about." He lies once again. I am on the ground watching this trying to contain my laughter.

" You children and your PDA!" Mrs. Weasley yells.

"What kind of affection did Fred show me?" I furrowing my eyebrows with a slight smile.

" Oh he shows you plenty!" George says winking.

"I meant a second ago dummy." I say glaring at him.

" Oh that's how he spurs you on! You know what he wants!" George says wiggling his eyebrows. Juliet and Cedric burst out laughing. My jaw drops open and my face turns red.

"Molly! Molly you should be yelling at him! Did you hear him?" I shout pointing at George.

" I didn't hear a word dear..." Mrs. Weasley says. Juliet laughs really loudly. I pout and cross my arms. I stomp up to my room out of embarrassment.

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now