16. We're Back

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Nicolette's POV:
I slowly open my eyes as they adjust to the lighting. Once the are open I look around to see I'm in the hospital wing. I furrow my eyebrows. Last I remember I was in the girls lavatory.

"Miss Farron! Your finally awake!" Madam Pomphrey says walking to my side.

"Yeah... How did I get here?" I ask sitting up.

"You were petrified dear. But we got the cure and you should be ready to go back." She says with a smile. I nod and stand up.

"Thanks for taking care of me." I say awkwardly.

"No problem dear. Now you can go to the Great Hall for dinner." She says and I nod walking that way. I was petrified? Oh my gosh. Those yellow eyes must have been the basilisk. I walk into the Great Hall seeing everyone talking to their friends. I look over and see my friends and boyfriend smiling. Juliet sprang from her seat and ran to me. I noticed a gash on her upper lip and one on her cheek. She enveloped me in a strong hug.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I wrap my arms around her.

" Yeah... Why?" She says.

"The cuts on your lip and cheek." I say pulling away.

" Oh just battled a basilisk... No big deal..." She says smiling.

"No big deal? You defeated a giant human killing snake! I say that's a big deal." I say dramatically. She laughs.

" I faced Voldemort last year Nik... I could handle a giant snake..." She says smirking.

"Well that sounds like fun." I say sarcastically. I look over and see Fred standing up. I smile brightly as I run up to him. I wrap my arms around his neck and he picks me up spinning me as I bury my head in the crook of his neck. I hear George and Juliet making kissy noises.

" Oh how adorable!" Juliet exclaims. I let out a laugh as he sets me down and look into his eyes. I hold a loving smile.

" Oh now they're gazing into each other's eyes!" George exclaims. I roll my eyes making Fred laugh.

That's when Ced comes over. " Hey Nik!" He says.

"Hey." I say giving him a smile. I look back at Fred and I do something that surprises myself even. I lean up and kiss him. I actually initiated the kiss.

" Oh! George get the camera!" Juliet says. I pull away and look at my friend.

"No!" I say sternly as I take Fred's hand and sit at the table. " Attention students!" Dumbledore says tapping a spoon on his glass. The hall falls silent.

" I know many of you have just returned to your loved ones so welcome back! Also Hogwarts will not be closing! This is thanks to Harry and Juliet Potter's bravery in the Chamber of Secrets, where they slayed the Basilisk!" Dumbledore announced.

The Great Hall erupted in cheers. Cedric kissed Juliet's cheek, beaming proudly. She and Harry were both blushing. I smile over to my friends. I'm glad to be back. Hagrid walks in interrupting the applause.

"Sorry I'm late. The owl that delivered my release papers got all lost and confused. Some ruddy bird called Errol." Our whole little group looks over at Ron smirking. Hagrid stops at Harry. "I'd just like to say that if it hadn't been for you, Harry, Juliet and Ron... and Hermione and Nikki, of course... I would still be you-know-where... so I'd just like to say thanks." Hagrid says smiling.

"It's not Hogwarts without you Hagrid." Harry says hugging him.

" Anytime Hagrid..." Juliet says hugging Hagrid. Juliet looked uneasy though and I knew why. She hated the attention she earned. Especially because of the scar on her forehead.


Me and Juliet are in our dormitory packing before we go to the train. I sigh as I close my trunk and sit on the bed. Juliet comes and sits next to me.

" Promise you'll write?" She asks.

"Of course. As long as I can focus without Fred getting in the way." I say laughing.

" At least you'll be happy..." Juliet says sighing and looking off in a corner.

"Hey you'll be okay." I say standing and wrapping an arm around her shoulders. She smiles and nods to me.

"Have you noticed how your accent is changing?" She asks.

"Really? Probably because I've been hanging with you guys for so long." I say giggling and going to grab my trunk.

" I just wish I didn't have to go home..." Juliet says. She almost looked scared.

"It'll be okay. I promise." I start to feel useless again. I can't help her and I don't know what to do.

" It's just they hate us Nik... And we did fly out of our window and pissed them off..." She says looking down.

"I'm sorry." I say looking down.

" You don't have to apologize... None of it's your fault..." Juliet says.

"I just... I feel like I'm letting you down as a friend because I can't help you." I say sighing.

" Hey I'll survive..." Juliet says. " Plus Ced said he would come and get me out in the middle of the summer..." She says offering me a smile.

"Okay. Should we go?" I say standing up.

" Yes..." She says grabbing her stuff. I pick up my truck and drag it down the steps behind me. I literally dragged it.

We arrive at the station now. Juliet is looking for Cedric. That's she spots and waves him over. " There you are baby..." He says placing a short but sweet kiss on her lips. " Hey..." She says a broad smile on her face.

"Where the hell is Fred?" Nikki asks looking around.

That's when my red headed boyfriend comes sprinting through the crowd. " Sorry I'm late love..." He says pecking my lips. I giggle shaking my head as I press my lips to his for longer. He melts into the kiss.

" Ced do you know where my camera is?" Juliet asks. I pull away from the kiss to give my friend and annoyed look. Fred just groans from me pulling away.

" No sorry baby but you know we're worse..." Ced says smirking.

" much worse..." She agrees smirking back. He pulls her into a long passionate kiss.

"Okay you can fuck another time! Let get on the train." I say as I turn walking onto the train with Fred's hand in mine.

" Ok..." Juliet says. We all walk to the train. Yeah we would miss eachother, but we would see eachother once again.
End of 2nd year

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now