42. The Second Task

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Juliet's POV:
I wake up in the early morning. I was alone. Ced must have went before anyone noticed. I go to find Nikki. I find her in the common room. " Hey..." I say. She's in her cheer uniform. "Hey." She tightens her ponytail. I smile at her. I fiddle with my hands. The second task was this afternoon. That's when Professor McGonagall came in. " Ms. Farron would you and Mr. Weasley come with me..." She says. "I thought I needed to lead cheer this morning. Did they find someone to fill in for me?" She asks confused. " Yes just please come..." Professor McGonagall says. The three leave.

Timeskip to the tournament...
I was shaking. I couldn't find Nikki anywhere. Ced has a protective arm around my waist. " It'll be alright baby..." He whispers encouragingly. He kisses my temple. I lean into his embrace. That's when we were called to the edge of the lake. The canon sounded. Ced and I did a bubble head charm and dove in. We swam quickly. That's when I spot her. She was floating lifeless at the bottom of the lake. I also spot Fred. I look at Ced. I point to Fred and he nods. I swim to Nikki. I pull out my wand and undo her bonds. Ced has Fred free by the time I finish. We swim quickly to the top. The bubble head charm breaks when we breach the surface. Nikki takes a sharp breath. She looks around taking deep breaths. "You alright?" I ask. She looks at me and nods. Fred and Ced swim over. Fred takes Nikki into his arms, Ced takes me into his arms. I smashed my lips to his.We survived another task all I can ask is at least he survives the last. I think that's when it's going to happen. I'm going to die. He slides his tongue into my mouth. Nikki is leaning against Fred and sighs closing her eyes. We swim to the platform. We sit on the edge. Someone wraps a towel around us. I lean into Ced. I watch for Harry. Fleur comes empty handed. Then Victor comes with Hermione. But no Harry. " Where is he?" I mumble. " I'm sure he's fine baby..." Ced says. Nikki looks to be in deep thought. Why does she always look like that? Ced kisses my temple. A few more minutes pass and no Harry. He finally breaches the water. He has Ron and Fleur's sister. I take a relieved breath. Nikki stands and grabs a towels for Ron and Harry. My brother spots me. He comes over. " You ok sis..." He asks. I nod. " I'm just glad you're alright..." I say. Nikki hands them both towels and walks to Fred. Why is she so quiet right now? I just snuggle into Ced. He holds me close. " The judges have decided! First place is a tie between Juliet Potter and Cedric Diggory!" Dumbledore announces. The crowd goes wild. Nikki is clapping in smiling at me and my boyfriend. I smile broadly. " Second place will be given to Harry Potter thanks to his morals!" He announces. I cheer loudly for my brother. He smiles at me. " Third place goes to Victor Krum and fourth place goes to Fleur Delcaur..." He ends with.

We all head back to the castle. Fred and Ced are goofing around a whiles away. Nikki and I are walking together. " Why have you been so quite?" I ask. She sighs. "Am I a cheater? I feel like a cheater and I don't want to be a cheater." She says. " What are you talking about?" I ask raising an eyebrow. "Oh my God! I kissed my boyfriends little sister... And I liked it... Oh my God I'm a cheater." Nikki says shaking. I try to hold in my laughter. " Your not a cheater Nik..." I say. "Why are you laughing!?" She asks glaring at me. "This isn't funny!" She says looking like she going to cry. " Sorry Sorry..." I say holding up my hands. " But seriously your not a cheater..." I say. "How am I not? I kissed Ginny and I have a boyfriend." She says pulling at her hair. " It was a dare... It could've been me... Or 'Mione... I mean it meant nothing..." I say trying to make her feel better. "The thing is it did mean something. I liked the kiss, Juliet!" She says looking at me. " Then what are you going to do?" I ask. "I don't know!" I she whines. I sigh. " I wish I could help more... It's just I've never felt that way..." I say. "Obviously..." She says annoyed. I nod. I really wish I could help. " I'm sorry Nik..." I say. Fred then seems to come up to Nikki and see how stressed she seems. I decide to go to Ced. He wraps an arm around my shoulders. " Hey baby..." He says. " Hey..." I say. He kisses my temple. I sigh. " You hungry?" He asks. I shake my head. " Baby you haven't eaten anything all day..." He says. " I'm not hungry..." I say. Nikki seems to have heard me as she came up behind me and pushes past me huffing. I sigh. " Please eat something baby..." Ced pleads. " I don't want to..." I lie. Nikki is now out of sight. He sighs. I'm going to die soon anyways. I don't need to eat. We walk to the common room. Nikki is there. She is pacing back and forth and doesn't look very happy. " Hey Nik..." I say meekly. She looks at me and rolls her eyes. She walks up to a window and looks out it. I know she's mad at me. She hates it when I don't eat. I sigh. " Are you going to stay mad at me? It's my life Nik! I make my own choices!" I say. I'm tired of how she gets. "I'm trying to get better so you can but that's not helping anything... You said you were going to eat as soon as I ate. I've been trying to eat and you have done nothing unless I force you." She says angrily. I sigh. " I can't eat..." I whisper. "What do you mean?! You have a choice and your choosing not to!" She raises her voice. Fred walks up to her to try and calm her down. " I can't eat... Every time I do I puke..." I whisper. "Please don't tell me your bulimic now." She says glaring at me. Fred places a hand on her shoulder. "Don't touch me." She pushes him off her. I feel a tear slip down my face. Ced wraps his arms around my waist from behind. I break down crying. "This is why I always distance myself from people. Because they always end up trying to "help" but get hurt instead." She says using air quotes around 'help'. She runs upstairs. I run after her. I run into the dorm. I look at her. " Nikki! Please don't run away..." I beg. "Why!? If I stay it'll just get worse! I'm a mess and I'm dragging you down with me!" She yells slamming the bathroom door. I open it. " I'm going to die soon anyways! I figured it out! It's happening in the third task! I have about two months to live!" I shout. "Well if you keep this up then you'll die sooner!" She yells back glaring at me. I just sigh. " Can we please not do this... I don't want my last two months of my life be full of you hating me..." I say calmly. "I don't hate you. I'm just pissed off because if you don't eat then there is a big possiblity that you can die after going a month without eating. Why do you think I ate enough to keep me alive? I'm trying to make it until my sister can get me to the doctors so I can get the medical treatment I need. At least I know I need help." She says turning away from me. I sigh again. " I'm trying Nik... I just can't get out of this funk..." I say looking down. "You think it's easy for me? It's not. But at least I want to try and survive and get the help I need. You just continue to go 'oh I'm not hungry... Oh I'm not going to eat...' you need help and following my path is certainly not helping. Ever since we've became friends all you do is follow me just like everyone else. At least that's how it seems. Well here's a news flash I'm not a leader so stop following me. I'm a demon for God's sake! My dad wants to make me a follower of Lord Voldemort! I'm the last person to follow because I most likely will lead you right into a ditch that you will never get out of. So I advise you to stop following me now if you are and turn away from me." Nikki rants as she looks in the mirror. " I'm not going to leave you Nik... You're my best friend... I need you... I don't have long and I want to make the best of it..." I say. "Have you not listened to me? Your gonna die sooner if you don't eat or keep throwing up what you eat. Don't you think we want to see you happy and actually look alive for the next two months?" She says looking at me through the mirror. I sigh. " Nikki can you promise me one thing?" I ask. "What?" She asks with slight attitude. " He can't know... He can't figure out what I have planned... He would tear himself up about... Please just make him think I decided then... I love him too much to do that to him..." I beg. Tears stream down my face. "I bet you want me to keep him safe too make sure he's okay huh?" She asks turning to me but still has attitude in her voice. " I need to know he's safe... This world needs him..." I whisper. "How am I supposed to do that? How am I supposed to keep him safe when if we lose you I probably can't even keep myself safe? Or quite possibly not even be able to keep myself alive?" She asks. " Make sure Harry gets out... He can keep him safe..." I whisper. "Juliet... You don't know me... Knowing that I'm going to lose you I can't make sure of anything. My brain is so out of whack that I'm close to even failing all my classes. My mind is on other stuff then making sure other stuff. I know Harry will make it out..." She says and then walks past me downstairs. I just crumple to the ground. I lean against the door frame. I can't let him die. Especially when I can change it. I stand up after minutes of sitting there. I spot a blade on the counter. It's tempting. I walk over. I wrap my fingers around the handle. "Oh yeah and by the way..." Nikki starts but trails off. "What the fuck do you think your doing!?" She yells grabbing the blade and throwing it on the ground and placing her foot over it so I can't grab it. I shrink away and bite my lip. "What the hell?! Do I need to get Cedric so he can talk to you!?" She yells. " No..." I mumble out. I sink to the ground. "You need help Jay! And you need someone to get into your brain so you understand that! Obviously I can't get through your head so I think I need to interfere!" She yells angered. I just start to cry. " I'm broken Nik... There's no fixing me..." I mumble. "I used to think the same God damn thing! But look at me now! You know what obviously I can't get through to you. I'm going to get Cedric." She says turning to the door. I look up quickly. " No please!" I call. "You won't listen to me... I don't have another choice..." She says placing her hand on the doorknob. " No please he can't know..." I beg. "Juliet I have no choice!" She yells. " You have a choice and you're making the wrong one!" I say smartly. "How is it wrong if I'm helping you!?" She yells at me. " Maybe I don't want to be helped!" I shout back. "Well you need help!" She yells and opens the door. I stand up. " Nikki please!" I beg. "No you need help!" She yells and goes downstairs. " Nikki stop!" I shout, running after her. "You won't listen to me I have to get someone you'll listen to!" She shouts back as she reaches the common room. I follow quickly. " Nikki please!" I beg. " What's going on?" Ced asks. I freeze. Nikki walks up to him and whispers some stuff to him. His face shows multiple emotions but then settles on sadness. He walks to me and pulls me into his arms. He holds me close. " Baby why would you think about doing that to yourself?" He asks. I stay silent. Nikki pulls Fred out of the common room and up to the boys dorm. " I'm sorry..." I mumble. " I don't know what I would do without you baby..." He whispers. Guilt pangs within me. He'll find out soon. I cry into his chest. He rocks me. " Juliet I love you more than anything... If there is ever anything going just talk to me please..." He begs. I nod. He kisses my head and runs his hand through my hair. I sigh snuggling deeper into him. " How about I show you how much I need you..." He says smirking. I raise an eyebrow. He pushes me backwards and I fall on the couch.

I see what he wants. I smirk at him. He pulls down my pants easily. He hooks a finger in my panties and pulls them off. He pulls my legs apart. I moan out as his tongue enters my folds. He starts to tease my bud. I arch my back and let out a whimper. He sucks a bit now that he has a better angle. He slides his tongue in and out of me. I moan out. He starts to pick up speed. I feel myself become close. " Ced I'm close..." I moan. He responds by going faster. I reach my climax. " Fuck Ced!" I scream out in pleasure. He pulls out of me. "Why is there screaming!?" Nikki yells running downstairs with Fred. "Ah! Not again! Can you guys last even a week without going sexual?!" Nikki yells as her and Fred cover their eyes. "Yeah we're just going to leave now." Nikki pushes Fred out of the common room to who knows where. I quickly pull up my pants. He Ced chuckles nervously. " Thanks..." I say pecking him on the lips. He smiles at me. " Let's go to the astronomy tower..." He says standing. I nod. He offers me his hand and I take it. We walk out together.

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now