20. Dad?

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Nicolette's POV:
I wake up and see Cedric and Juliet laying together. I get up and get dressed then walk downstairs. I get some breakfast and start eating peacefully... Until I hear yelling.

"Cedric Diggory! Juliet Potter! Why in the world are you in the same bed?!" Mrs. Weasley screams and I laugh.

" Molly they do it all of the time at home they're fine!" I hear Amos yell.

" They are two teenagers! The worst part is they snuck!" Mrs. Weasley yells.

Juliet comes down the steps quickly, Cedric on her tail. Their faces both red. I laugh at my two friends I don't even realize that Fred sits next to me.

" Not a word..." Juliet says. I giggle then feel a kiss pressed to my lips. I freeze as my eyes widen from the unexpected kiss. Fred pulls away laughing.

"Hello love." He says and I smile.

"Hi." I say kissing him again.

Cedric sits down pulling Juliet onto his lap. She burries her face in his neck. He kisses the top of her head. Mrs. Weasley comes down the steps fuming. Fred pulls away from the kiss and looks at his mother.

"Are you okay mum?" He asks.

" No Fred... I am not!" She says red faced.

Juliet snuggles closer to Cedric and he looks scared. I giggle covering my mouth with one of my hands. Fred raises an eyebrow. I lean over and whisper in his ear.

"How would your mum react to us kissing?" I ask and then pull away. He grabs my face.

" Let's find out..." He says. Then he smashes his lips to mine. I smirk in the kiss deepening it by wrapping my arms around his neck.

" Fredric Weasley! I find those two in bed together and now your snogging at the table!" Mrs. Weasley shouts. We pull apart. I smirk as I bite my lip.

"Woops." He says shrugging his shoulders making me giggle.

" Wait who was in bed together now?" Fred asks. I almost forgot he wasn't there.

"Those two." I say pointing at Ced and Juliet and wink at them.

Juliet blushes violently. Cedric chuckles.

" Oh fun!" Fred exclaims.

"I know right." I say in a weird voice and laugh at myself. "At least I was asleep all night. I don't wanna know what they were doing." I say laughing.

" We were sleeping that's all..." Juliet says.

"Yeah. Sleeping." I say wiggling my eyebrows with a smirk.

" Well maybe a little making out..." Cedric says winking.

"Ooooh... Hear that Freddie." I say. "Oh my God I sound like George." I say my eyes widening.

" Did I hear my name?" George says bounding into the room.

"Yeah. Nikki here thinks she started to sound like you." Fred says pointing at me as he turns to his twin.

" Oh is that so Freddie?" George says. I look down frowning.

" Juliet heard about your scandal this morning!" George says smirking.

" It was not a scandal!" Juliet argued.

"Okay enough with it!" Mrs. Weasley shouts and all our eyes go wide. "I'm going to get the others and we will go to Diagon Alley." She says more calm now.


We are walking through Diagon Alley and everyone is slightly ahead of me. I am walking with my head down and I bump into someone.

"I'm so sorry..." I say trailing off as I look up shock settling on my face. A smile comes on his face as he sees me.

"Nicolette! If it isn't my daughter." He says and I glare.

"I am not your daughter Nicolas." I snap.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Is that any way to treat your dad?" He asks and I hold my glare. It all makes sense now why my demon side has been coming out more.

"You are not my dad you are the devil!" I say as my hands are now in fists. He ignores what I say and continues.

"I see you have taken a liking to the Potter girl and her Diggory boyfriend. Oh and who is that Weasley to you? Huh?" He says looking in my eyes. My jaw clenches.

"Don't bring them into this." I say through gritted teeth.

"Oh but they already are. You brought them into your life. You realize you just brought them death right?" He says then I hear calls for me.

"Nikki is everything alright?" Mrs. Weasley asks and I look up at her my glare softening. "Do you know this man?" She asks.

"No. I just bumped into him. Sorry." I lie with a fake smile. I walk up to them and stand in between Fred and Juliet. Fred takes my hands and I hold worry in my eyes as I look at the ground. I don't want them to get hurt.

" Come on! We need to get our books!" Juliet exclaims. I nod as I feel my hand start to shake out of fear.

"Are you okay love?" Fred asks most likely feeling how shaky my hand was.

"Huh? Yeah I'm fine." I lie giving another fake smile.

" Jay where is that shop you wanted to see?" Cedric asked.

" Just up the way!" Juliet says excitedly. We follow with Fred giving me a concerned look. I feel his eyes burning into my head. I know he's worried but I am too.

"You don't have to worry." I say to Fred as we follow behind Ced and Juliet.

" Fred I want to show you something... Come on..." Juliet says. The four of us find a small empty alley.

" What is it?" Fred asks.

" Nikki and Ced already know... And your the only other person I trust..." Juliet says.

"You trust this dork?" I jokingly ask.

"Hey!" He says looking at me. I smile peaking his lips.

" I happen to... Plus he'll like this one..." Juliet says smirking.

"Okay just show me!" Fred says.

Juliet winks and then turns. Instead of my best friend standing there it's a large brown dog with piercing green eyes. Well it is still my best friend. She then phases back and smiles at him.

"Whoa..." Fred says his mouth hung open. At least his reaction wasn't bad. Imagine his reaction to finding out about me. I look at the ground my smile turning to a frown.

Cedric wraps his arms around Juliet's waist. " I think it makes my baby even more sexy..." He says.

"We should go." I say with a sigh and grab Fred's hand as he follows behind me. Juliet and Ced follow right behind us. We head back to the Leaky Cauldron exhausted from the day.

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now